

no hope part 7
(7 years ago Sora's perspective) "Hurry and get in the car. You might have been followed." The woman said standing by the car. I got in and the car and the man drove us away. We where deep in the forest and then we got to a cabin. I picked out a room and then ate dinner. When I finished I went to my room and went to sleep. Morning came and I went down stairs. The woman was down stairs making breakfast and the man was reading a newspaper. I went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Good morning." The man said. I looked at him and then ignored him. "You're so rude." The man said chuckling. The woman gave him a bad look and then he shut up. "Ok you will stay with us for 20 to 25 years. 7 years of training and then 13 to 18 years working for us. Once your done your free to do whatever. We won't send anyone to kill you or your family. Starting today you will call me Lady Ria and you will call the man over there Master. He will train you in martial arts, creating weapon's, using weapon's, and creating drugs, sleeping gas, poison gas, bombs, and more. I will train you in being a spy that means training in acting, lady like manners, and more I will also help you in your studies like science and math." Lady Ria said. I nodded my head and she gave me my food I ate breakfast and then trained. All I did for those 7 years is train with the both of them. Once the 7 years ended we went england. They taught me a bunch of languages and I'm fluent in all the languages. We just got to england and my mission is to kill a family of 5 a mother, father, son, daughter, and another son. They are spy's of another nation and the government want them dead. My mission is to kill them in under 2 weeks. Right now I'm in a train heading to the city they're in.

© the unknown