


In a world of Injustice and Iniquities, I was born prematurely. Coming into the World, I saw a Man in White coat and a Lady also in white. At first, I thought they were both ghosts or probably they wanted to send me back to where I was coming from so, I cried until I was placed in my Mother's arms. My Mother being a caring Woman raised me up and pecked My forehead. However, premature babies do not last and end up dying. So, My Mother was scared of the fact that She was going to loose Me soon. “Well, he is a healthy prematured baby but it might not be easy for him to make it through the night” _ the doctor said. My Mother looked at Me and made a deep sigh. Just then, I reached out for her hands and I held two fingers tight, making a smile on My face and that smile made My Mother happy even though she knew that I might die soon.
The following morning was bright and I could feel the cold weather. A Nurse came to check up on My Mother and She peeped into my cradle to check up on Me, only for her to find out that I was awake.
“What a miracle! A premature baby made it through the nights”_ She said. Then, she called out for the Doctor, the Doctor came in and checked up on Me. Having seen that I was healthy, the Doctor discharged My Mother and I but I never knew who my Father was .
My Mother was a per time worker at Ginseng's house, where She served her body and liquor for a living and now, I know where She got me from. From the offensive atmosphere I received there, I could tell that My Mother also didn't like the job but She just had to take it because that was the only job that could be offered to a negro(black).
After one Month, My Mum was kicked out of the Ginseng's house because She had me, and the rule was no breastfeeding Mother allowed but My Mother was left in dilemma of how She would take care of Me . My Mother was sent out of the Ginseng's house after being humilated and Sexually abused even though she had me in her hands that day, She was still abused Sexually. People hated us because we were Negros and they never want to have anything to do with us.
Luckily for us, we found a new home to stay at the basement, where rodents and other pests used as their hideouts. The basement was never condusive to humans but it was to pests because that was their hideouts and place of stay. My Mother Laid me on the abandoned wodden floor and used a thick cloth to wrap me up because the weather was getting cold.
During the winter period, I'm always exposed to the harshness of the weather. My father abandoned My Mother, and I never knew who My Father was not to even say how he looks like. My Mother had been my father for me and everything a man is meant to do , she does it for me. While growing up, I got exposed to things I'm not meant to know at My very young age like taking advantage of White girls in the Country, Gropping of white girls, abusing of drugs and many more. When I was five, A Strange White Man with a tubercol in his mouth would come in into the basement and Sexually abuse my mother at My presence not even considering my young age. He would abuse her and even maltreat her. At my very young age, I alreary knew what it was to maltreat and rough handle a woman. The whites would also opress the blacks with everything because we are not like them .
When I turned 17, I noticed another Strange White Man coming to the basement to harass My Mother but My Mother couldn't do anything but to allow herself to be abused by him. After the harrasement, the White Man would call My Mum a harlot, telling her that he really enjoyed her and he hopes to get more from her. He also offered a job to me as a special driver for his Daughter who was just 16 years old. At first I didn't take the job because of what he did to My Mum after abusing her Sexually and gropping her but My Mum insisted that I take the job because we were in need of money. So, I took the job and started working for him.

Two weeks later, I got to know that My Mum was two weeks gone for that White Man. I just can't believe it that I and my unborn sibling are going to have a different Father and not just any how Father but a Father that is worthless to be called a Father. I never knew how to rough handle a Lady, but I got to know it from that White Man the day he harrased My Mother. He took Me beside him and told me to watch as he was harrasing and sexually abusing My Mother. He started showing Me Styles and their names. Even though I was still a teenage boy of 17 years, I still had human Feelings and since then, I hated the Whites. My Mother's pregnancy started growing bigger but not really noticeable. She wanted to have an abortion but the Doctor told her that it was going to be very complicated for her because the pregnancy is not one of those pregnancy to be tampered with. My Mother cried her eyes out that where does She want to start from and how does She explain herself to people if she is asked about the Father.

One fateful night, the White Man came again to harass My Mother the normal way he does, after being drunk with hard drugs and alcohol , he decided to have my mother that night, but My Mother tried to explain everything to him about how She got to know She was carrying his child but instead, the White Man grabbed my Mother's hairs and held her neck saying “Did I tell you I was in need of a child? or did I tell you I was ready to be a father for another child?”. My Mother answered him back in fear and tried to explain to him about the complications She was told about in the hospital She went to, but the White Man insisted that he is not ready to be a father of another Child and She should find a way to Terminate that rubbish She puts in her Womb before he comes back again.

©Bleeding Ink.