

Mr. Perfect Chapter 1
Meet Mr. Chase Parker the owner of Parker Industries,one of the most young handsome billionaire in the world.
He's handsome but he is also a cold hearted person, hard to define,unable to understand,because of his dark past.
Most of the women's fall for him, but he doesn't do that "love" thing and is only on pleasure side, until he realized that he's fallen for Ms. Andrea Finley his personal assistant.
Andrea Finley is a very decent looking girl with beautiful big blue eyes, she's very patient, honest ,and hate's to love, hate's to trust men because of her broken past.

Will Andrea fall in love with Chase.

Will Chase gain Andrea's trust.

Can a two broken hearts fall in love and live happily ever after........

Chapter 1 - The interview

"Wake-up baby it's getting late..."

"Oh, Mia let me sleep a little more... "
Mia is my roommate and my best friend like my sister too.. We had been living together for 6 years now, and she knows every bit of me. She's one of my strengths.
"Baby today's your interview and you'll be late now"

"oh shit" My interview today is very important to me, I am never gonna lose it.
I get up and head to start my day,
I come out of the shower,

"This will look best on you" Mia stands in my bedroom holding a black knee-length skirt and a baby blue shirt.

"Oh, Mia you always give the best to me", I wear my dress, and I put my hair into a ponytail, and finish my look with black heels.
I was feeling a bit nervous.

"Everything will be fine" Mia hugged me, I hug her back tightly
and say bye to her and head to my interview, I at least have to be 10 minutes earlier.

I reach the company and now standing to look at it.
"The Parker Industries " It's fully glass and class, I should get a job here and that's the only way I can afford to pay for my dad's operation, he is in 2nd stage of cancer, and I don't want to lose him, he's my only family.

Hoping good I enter the company,
A beautiful blonde lady greeted me in the reception

"Good morning mam, How can I help you."

"Good morning, I'm here for an interview for the post of a personal assistant."

"Please take the elevator on your right and head to the 26th floor."

"Thank you."

I walk to the elevator and press the button to the 26th floor and my hands are already slightly wet I'm starting to sweat, millions of thoughts in my mind running like a roller coaster, whether I will be taken in OR not, if not how will I be able to pay for my dad's hospital expense, I can't lose him, I will do anything to save him.

I finally reached the 26th floor and started to walk in, and there was a lady in the reception, she was in her late forties.

Hi Good morning, I'm Andrea finely, I'm here for the interview with Mr. Parker for the personal assistant possession.

Good morning, Mr. Parker has already started the interview, please wait until we call your name.

Ok, thank you

I was waiting there when the lady called my name,

Ms. Finley, please go straight and towards the right is the office,

I walked while I checked on my appearance, I took a right and there was a big brown double door on which it was written in golden letters Mr. Chase Parker CEO,
Only the door was wood and others were fully glass but one-sided, I can only see a 6 feet Black Glass table from the only visible glass beside the door in the front from outside.
I knocked on the door, I heard a deep velvety voice 'come in', I slowly opened the door and was struck awe, it was so classy the walls and floor were fully white while all other was black, there he stood near the window watching the beautiful view of the city.

"Ms. Finley, please take your seat," he said with a calm voice.
I sat on one of the chairs facing his desk.
"Ms. Finley tell me why you should get this position"
"I have a major in finance and business, I learn quickly and have a very good memory, I am very patient even in the toughest situation," I said with a confident smile.

He glanced over my resume for a minute and said "You're well qualified for the position and you are hired Ms. Finley, but remember not to do mistake even once, and if so you'll be fired immediately. Understood?"
I went happy to scared in a second. I nodded my head vigorously.
"Good, your job is to have my coffee on my table as soon as I arrive and the files to be signed should be on my table in order every morning. You are to keep track on my meeting and you're in charge of my daily schedule for the day and you are to finish whatever work I give in a given time span, finally, whenever it has any social event I have to attend or business in any of the International Business you are required to come with me. that is everything you need to know."

He got up and walked towards the door and said "your office is right in front of mine" he handed me the keys." You officially start tomorrow. You are here to be before eight. You are dismissed."

I got up and left the office. What the hell was it, the first thing that came to my mind was his attitude and it was so disgusting.

Finally, I got the job and I'm happy and a little scared too to work with Mr. Perfect.

to be continued...

© AJ