

Olympus: War-Chapter 5
Olympus: War

Chapter 5: The quest of the Four Demigods

Zeus gave Hercules a red and a blue rock.
Then Hercules smashed the red rock. Then all a sudden Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Bellerophon disappeared from Olympus and reappeared in the Underworld.
Then Hercules saw the Kingdom of Hades and told Perseus, Theseus and Bellerophon to follow him. The Only Problem was that Hercules dis not know how to get inside The Kingdom and then in the palace without getting seen by the dead.
Then Hercules stopped and asked Theseus and Bellerophon:" Hey you two were dead. You guys has been here before. Do any of you know a secret passage to get in the palace or something?" No, there no secret passage ways in the Kingdom of Hades. The is only one way in and out and that's the Main Gate." Theseus answered.
Then Perseus got an idea
"Yo, Speaking of zero secret passages...well let's make one then. We will have to dig underground and go Forward into the Kingdom and then go left into the palace." Then Bellerophon agreed with the idea and later Hercules and Theseus olso agreed to the plan. They digged and digged. Finally they were deep enough to dig forward into the Kingdom of Hades.
After 5 and a half hours they arrived under the Kingdom of Hades. Then they started digging left. (Remember they dig with thier hands and the ground is hot.)
Time has passed and Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Bellerophon came out the hole and they were in the weapons room of the palace.
They searched for 23 minutes for the Throne room. They then climbed on roof and chould hear everything that Hades was saying.
Then Medusa came in the room. Perseus almost jumped off the roof, but he didn't.
Hades said to Medusa: "The Plan is halfway. Tomorrow you, The Chimera, The Minotaur, The Hydra, Cerberus and me are going to Tartarus with the lightningbolt of Zeus and free the Cronus. After Cronus I will free all the forgotten Titans. And we are going to destroy Olympus and the Olympians.

Then after a half an hour later Hades left his Throne room, Cerberus was asleep and the Minotaur was with Hades. Hercules, Perceus, Theseus and Bellerophon jumped off the roof and chould not believe what they had heard. Then Hercules smashed the blue rock and They disappeared from the Underworld and reappeared on Olympus.
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