

A Deadly Combination
Do you know what a deadly combination looks like?
- An introvert with acute anxiety issues.

Right from childhood you have built a kingdom of your own in your head, which no one knows about. You have always kept yourself locked inside one of those rooms, you felt it was safe, peaceful.
But now it can't protect you anymore. Sorrows, sufferings have infiltrated your kingdom and you have nowhere to hide.
Your head has become a grenade, ready for an explosion. Any moment now.
You have been your support system your entire life, but now it feels as if you are betraying your own self. Your mind and heart are always at war. You have lost your only companion - YOU. And there is no one left whom you can confide in, no one you can share your feelings with.
You have always felt everything deeply, so pain also doesn't make any exception.
There is a tornado raging inside you, and you have no control over it at all. You break down in the middle of the day or at 3 in the morning as the darkness of your mind consumes you.
The flashbacks, the tears, the cries - they all engulf you. They won't let you be, they won't let you sleep, and they won't let you retreat to your cocoon.
Your heart shouts out for help, but your mind won't let you manifest.
But still you pull yourself up, put that smile on your face, and get ready to face the world all by yourself. Yet again.
Because you know, no matter what, it is always easier to pretend than to explain yourself.

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