

Treasure box
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it, I kept the parcel in a secure place and went out to drink with friends, I had much fun and went back home late at night exhausted.
I went straight to my bedroom and slept off, the next day I woke up beside the parcel. I took the old key and read the instruction once again,
Then I went straight to the Car garage beside the old building where my late Grandpa parked is bad Rusty car. I try to open the door but the keys doesn't open it. Lo and behold, I saw an old box lying down and I used the keys to open it and I saw a treasure maps wraps with a red rope.
Then I open the Maps and I follow it step by step, I drag My Grandpa Car out of the garage and I started dig pit where is Car was parked, I dig up to five feet deep and I saw a treasure box buried beneath the soil. I bring the Treasure box out and the second key in the parcel open it. I screen cause the treasure box was full of Gold.