

how to be a genuine hypocrite
So what is hypocrisy ?
Hypocrisy is a false appearance of virtue pretending to have true belief even though is not real !!

1( body of Lies) I’m a great pretender pretend I’m doing well some of the lyrics of the platters. lie to anyone with no exceptions so in that case people will believe you even though it’s all Lies

2 (critize) it’s like you’re a judge of a TV show program critize someone and find the weak spot. being judgemental is normal but critize with all your harshness is better

3 (dishonesty) dishonesty is the best policy, and it’s great don’t true to yourself being true to yourself is hurtful. wearing a fake face appearance it’s better but sometimes it will hurt your ego

4 (denies your mistake) I hear no nothing I see no nothing. people said you will learn from your mistake yes its true but denying that you don’t admit the Truth Is a real score off.
think about yourself that you are so perfect

5 (Compare yourself to others) church said that in the eye of god we are all equals.
what if you don’t believe in God ?
well we are not all equal why he was born rich and why am I not
i say compare yourself yourself to others

6 (me myself and I self)
proclaiming yourself
praise yourself
embrace yourself
bragged yourself

7(glorious general) trait like a leader talk like a cunning warrior but in the end your not applying it to yourself

8(treachery) betray someone if needed,because in idiomatic expression we are living in a dog eat dog world's

9(unfaithful or trustfulness)
if someone talk to you personally about his/her problem gossip to others and add some sentence enhancer to believe what you gossip

10( inner ways) embrace your hypocrite being
because you never know that you are dealing to other hypocrite

I will give you some advice being hypocrite to someone or to self is not bad at all, because every person have their own personalities positive one or negative one
