

the mask hacker
once upon time deep in the city of australia there lived a man. the man name Alex George and he lived with his family. his wife name lilly and they both had two sons the first son name was rahul and the second son name was James Wilson. both of the sons were very different from each other. because rahul liked to spend his time reading hackers stories where as James Wilson liked to spend his time playing outside. until one day his father was going out of australia for some important business meetings he got call from his hometown police that his orgingal bank where he had kept 500000 cr have been stolen. hearing this news Alex George fainted with a terrible shock. when he woke up he was in the hospital. however his son rahul got the news about the bank he immediately contract his friends and told him tostar looking for a hacker. because hackers are the best for this job. so his friends started to look for the hackers after searching they finally found a hacker the hacker name was Gordon Brown and he was best for this job. rahul friends told him the entire news. on hearing the news Gordon Brown started to hack the bank security system. on hacking the system he came to know that the security man was talking to someone on the phone he was saying something about the money that has arrived in the morning. on getting this information they rushed to the police station and filed an for against the security. the police took his complain. and they went to the bank and arrested the security man. and they brought him to the police station. after they Inteogate him. they found out the culprit they went Alex George friend house and arrest him. his friend name was henry he was thief. in the end the case was solve and his father was very happy with rahul. for doing this brave thing.