

*The faith*
Living is a blessing to us all we must always thank God for that,so many people dont get up in the morning or never make it to another day there is faith once u believe . Miss Janice the 45 year old hight school teacher said to her students. Faith one of the beat students in the class lisioning, to miss janice she wonder ? to herself many things about what she heard,Caught up in time of thinking she did'nt hear miss calling her ,
Miss janice exclaimed'Faith hello' sorry ! miss replied
That's all today u guys , faith left the class wonder she did'nt notice Chally &Glorya and bumpped into them with all there books falling over
# Chally &Glorya was well known for bulling and faith was a easy target as she never like the crowd so she was quite.
# Chally screamed ! Watch it loser* are u that blind and u have glasess.
As Glorya pushed faith down saying'Now u hear her'
Faith was so scared of them she picked up there stuff ,handing them it and ran away felling bad she was'nt
watching were she was going.She forgot anput it as she reached home to her mom asking her if she wants dinner for her siblings Fillisha,Fillton,Francy and Farklon Laught at her for having Glasses and mocking her for wearing Baggy pants and worn out t shirts her dad gave her befor he past aways. She ran up the satirs and into her room crying She always felt like the black sheep.Her siblings were perfevt and she had pimples ,pale brown skin and shaddy hair she was preety as everone told her but she was insecure.
She could'nt stop crying as her dad pass away she was the last child her mother had,Her mom did'nt love her becuase she reminded her or her dad for her siblingsbullied her and for her dad he loved her to bitts he would stand up for her and punish her mean siblings as for all her siblings had a diffrent dad's .She only found hope in school as she loved going thats why sge did'nt cause trouble because its the was of happiness for her .
The next day she went to school it was a mess the 2 bullies
Chally&Glorya Mocked her and clled her silly name like "Daddy girl' ohhh know u not he died they mocked her.For weeks this went on she could take it and wanted to kill herself. On one hot day Chally&Glorya pushed her snaching her appliction form to play football ,when Miss Janice noticed she grab them taking them to the principal office as faith ran to the bathroom.After Miss Janice deal with the bullies she ran to talk to Faith crying in the bathroom.
Miss janice sat next to her "Are u okay faith" Faith murmered"no nooo"
"are u okay" said Miss Janice
As faith told her everthing about whats going on at home and at school
Miss janice was Shocked by this explain 'to her it will be okay' Miss janice told faith to come with her to the guaidence counsillar Miss kimmy, As Miss janice explain the situation to Kimmy she told her they had to contact children's Child Protection Services that is was emotional abuse and mistreating of a Child . That day faith when home with Miss Janice
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