

My Lord King Vischal,

I hath awaited your correspondence for several weeks now and to finally get that fine parchment paper ato see the powerful royal crest of your kingdom comes to me with great anticipation and desire. For I too hath a confession to make to thee Your Highness, I but a simple woman of few valuable true belongings I am but a peasant in actual comparison to yourself Sire. Such as it's not a common occurance that a King takes a peasant for a lover. For I hath nothing to offer except my virtuosity. I have been raised to remain a virgin until I am wedded.Then and only then will I relinquish my chastity.
My Lord the King Vischal I see rendered in this amazing portrait is a very quite outright gorgeous being...this cannot be you King Vischal I am going to have to see it for once myself. Soon and I intend to mean soon I will grace your kingdom with mine own presence for it would only be to retrieve my long lost sibling and return him home where he should be. Nothing has me more captivate than the acts of a true ruler that you my Lord hath displayed. With out reason you have gone above and beyond the normal duties of a royal heir. And I appreciate you and your kingdoms support. I can not thank you enough. Any thing that I can say about your people and their kindness, I can say is that this is the most supportive group of people who are not obligated to be true to me or my sibling.This will not go unnoticed. My Lord only have o recently had the longing for the closeness of another and I'm not so certain that it will be whom I am desiring that will be he who my virginity will be awarded. I had intended for it to be a man that is become married to first that would be the one to havee on the night of our marriage. Silly isn't it for me to keep hold on myself thinking that I'll be married someday. How is it that you Sire are umwed? One would think that a Nobel King Vischal would surely have a Queen at his side on his throne. Any how your Highness I shall be in touch very soon my Lord I am not sure how long it will take to get this letter but God speed I will send it with along with a kiss.

yours truly,

© NiKishaDWarwick