

Numbered Days(part 1)-introduction
Sundy morning,6:50, having a family is an important piece of life .In the shower i cry on top of my lungs .
My own daughter , Velvet hasn't visited me for a year , i missed her so much that i send her letters each and every month but she doesn't reply. At 17:00 , a men came by my house telling me about his interest in my house. I knew that he was a knock off, but does he think i am that old.

" Ma'am, i am from a retirement home ,not like i live there..."
he said with an excusing tone.

Anyway i am old , what's the reason for me to be begging my own daughter to come back home and stay with me for a few days. She didn't even come to her own father's funeral and i have no words for her behaviour .
If you want me to write more please comment. 🙏
And dont worry( beyond the eyes of life a new chapter will be released soon just making it better than chapter 2.)