

I hate it. I'm right back to square one feeling alone in this world with no one at my side. I feel so stupid to think that for a time I thought I had finally found my life partner , my Ying to my yang, the one that God made for me. It was like God had finally lifted my blindfold and I was finally able to see. I thought it would always be you and me, together for eternity. I thought you had chosen me for you. it was crazy really that for a time I knew everything you ever wanted to do. I always thought that no one could ever keep us apart. but silly me u had me fooled from the very start. when it comes to love I'm not very smart. I thought you loved me like I love you. but I was wrong, you had a whole crew . a crew that knew everything about me , all yall ever did was laugh at me. but I was so blinded by love that my heart just wouldn't let me see. everything you were doing to me. you used me . you abused me . you manipulated me. you took advantage me.
© Stephanie mh