

A City That Never Sleeps
Because of her new job, Anna shifted to her new residence in the city that never sleeps. She was surprised to see the features of such a city. She saw people were out on the streets without fear even at the dead of night. Neon lights illuminated the streets and thus the footpaths were all well lit so as to prevent anyone falling. Streets were crowded, people were rushing from one place to another and the aroma of street food attracted more crowd to places offering them, and the air was filled with beating music which made many people dance. Astonished with such a city that never sleeps, she felt she had come to a place where there's celebration of an occasion or festival day and night.

Best part of this city was that though people were strangers, yet they smiled at each other or wished each other when they were passing, thus forming a silent bond in the bustling city. When night fell, the city truly came alive and Anna realised that this city was more than just a place - it was a living, breathing entity that pulsed with energy and light and she was excited to stay in this city which would provide endless opportunities and perhaps fulfill her dreams.
© Sunita Pathania

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