

The paladin 5

”...I think its time you knew the truth”
The woman said,
What truth, Nguvu asked, disquieted.
Your mother Sarabi was never married, one night, during the Tamasha la Roho (spirit festival), a time when the gods would take human form and dine with their people, gormamu fell in love with your mother and they spent the whole da together, after that day she never saw him again until the day before your birth. You are a demigod -your name literally means strength (Nguvu is the Swahili word for strength)
After a lot of convincing, Nguvu finally agreed to help. He followed her back to the village where he was welcomed with a feast and lots of apologies. In that night they made a bonfire and feasted properly.
In the middle of the laughter and and gist Nguvu stood up and retired to bed in his mothers hut which had been prepared for him.
That night, while he slept on his bamboo made bed, he had the most eerie dream ever.
In this dream, he saw himself standing in front of a fire, but this fire was not ordinary, the flames were scarlet black with blue shadows and grew at a perturbing speed until he could no longer see the tip of the flame. Then suddenly, it transfigured to the appearance of a man who spoke what seemed gibberish; just as he battled to understand it's words, he felt a mild touch to his ear and on the spur of the moment he could understand what the 'flame man' was saying.
"Nguvu my son, i am gormamu, your father"
My father!
"Yes my son, you were born with a destiny, the stories Staraabu always told were true and my coming was to actualize it with a worthy human, but i fell in love with your mother..."
Then why did you let her die? Nguvu interrupted
"She willed it so" replied the father......to be continued
