

Was she better?
I deeply loved you, hoping you were my last.
There I was, who poured my last ounce of love, to you. I believed back then, that I was ready, because I knew what I wanted. Throughout the process, I lost myself, and now I am back to getting to know myself all over again.

I deeply loved you, hoping you would understand.
There I was, who kept trying even when your words never matched your actions anymore.
You started being mad at me everyday, when all I wanted was to be in this with you. You started pushing me away, not knowing why you stopped trying.

I deeply loved you, but you chose someone else.
You already had someone else, before things have ended.

That was it. I am now struggling to accept myself again for who I am because of how things ended.

If you truly loved me back, you would have stayed. Right?

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