

Please Understand !
This life will put people on your path with no rhyme or reason and those people will hurt you so damn much.
You will want to find the reason,the lesson, the rhyme, anything so it wasn't all for nothing. You will search and break and cry... until one day you realize maybe it doesn't always make sense, maybe you had to break like that to see your pieces in a different light.
Maybe you had to face your own dark to see the way you were breaking your own spine to bend for people who only wanted you to jump when they said so.
Maybe the lesson has always been about not giving parts of yourself away before you understand them and when you learn to stop disregarding yourself, it won't be so easy for someone else to.
When someone walks away like you were nothing, you won't have to ask why, you won't even flinch. Because you'll love yourself enough to not let anyone have that power. Nothing will shake you.
Only yourself and that is all you ever need.