








TAGS={ war, greed,power,vengeance,betrayals}


After the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie on July 28-1914. The Austro Hungarian government declared war on Serbia immediately.

The German government justified military action against Russia as necessary Because of Russian aggression. And within a period of six days European countries declared war on each other.

In the year 1917, the american soldiers became few in the field by the dominance of German.

The USA president called all his cabinets including the vice president. To announce the backing out of their soldiers from the field.

The secretary of state suggest a supernatural means of winning the war.

The president agreed to his secretary of State and asked him to bring Professor Duke.

Professor Duke is a Scientice.He is one of the best doctor in the U.S.
He's known for Her Biometrics Experience and wild experiments.

When he Appeared... he Doesn't Need To Be Introduced Because Even The President Have Heard Of Her.

Professor Duke gave them an offer of turning few of the Remnant Soldiers into a blood thirsty fighters known as vampires.

The President and his cabinet wasn't familiar with the Word "VAMPIRE" so they asked him to explain.

When he was done explaining the U.S President refused.

The Secretary of State tried to persude him but he doesn't want to take chances.

He asked his Security Officers to esscort Professor Duke out.

"You will agree to my proposition soon mr President" Professor Duke Said.

The american President has already lost 88% of the soldier in the battlefield.
So he seek counsel from his cabinet on what to do.

Everyone was muted because they've brought different ideas that has failed.

The Secretary Of State rose up with Professor Duke Offer.

"Sir after we win the war. Weare going to eliminate them. According to Professor Duke Exposing them to Sun kills them. That's exactly what we are going to do"

The U.S President saw the secretary Of State advice was good so he asked them to bring the Professor.

50 US army was taken to his Lab for experiment. But only 27 survived. The other 23 died.

The surviver soldiers was fed with so much blood. And was taken back to the Professor's facility for a finished work.

After a period of a month these blood thirsty soldiers was put in the field.

Gunshots flew from all angles hitting them... But they all stood Unshielded. Looking at the Russians, Germans And Serbians.

They could see the blood flowing through their veins. Their ears could hear the very saliva a soldier swallows in the field.

The appetites to drain the blood of their enemies was all they have.

Using weapons to fight would be a waste of time because their weapon itself.

Like speed of lights these 27 super soldiers took over the battlefield and defeats every of their enemies.

After the war was over these americans became thirsty. Not of food but of blood.

They all drank the blood of the dead but I couldn't satisfy them.

They tried controlling themselves not to kill their fellow Americans whom they came to save at the field.

But they have no choice... The hunger was much too much to bare.

Their comrades open fire on themto save their own lives when they saw the beast in them but it was all a waste.

Like a lion devour its prey that was how their comrades was devoured by them

After killing them. They realized themselves. But before they do... The U.S President had ordered his Private Security to bring them over for their medal.

The Private Security team brought a customize mouth mask to lock their face With. So they won't kill anyone on their way going.

They were all taken to a U.S Base facility to be rewarded for a job well done.

After their medal was given to them, the Vice President and the Private Security team escorted them to a basement.

They Were All Asked To Step Down Into The Basement Field.

The vice president gave a guy a sign and immediately the whole place got locked down.

One of the soldier with the name Konrad sensed the danger lurking around. He secretly left the remaining soldiers.

After five minutes later, the roof began making a cracking sounds.It got open as the sun rays came in.

Immediately it came in contact with their body, it began to burn them to ashes .

They began screaming, some tried to break the glass but all to no avail. Konrad sensed this coming so he was already prepared, he covered himself with the ashes of his comrades.He luckily unlocked the mask.

After knowing that all the vampires were burnt, the vice president ordered that the place should be opened up.
They all left the place, but unknown to them Konrad got up and escaped through the back gate without anyone noticing him........

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