

Energy Got Shined Down Or Did It
Yes this is a bad day but I dropped the money bags in the safe and left the bank. I had on my high heels and dress to impress. Then I put the codes and keys where I found them . For you see my cover was up but I had the blue chip stocks worth billions and diamonds that some left in a black box in a bank area
unknown and never checked. My dead
guy told me just 8 days ago. Now I am on the run and I leave the country. An
I got to Canada and hang out with the rich and games there. Then I became
a Jeweler and cut them some new creations that the world has never seen.
Then this artist was so good at my craft. That I became to well know and then people wanted to know where I came from and who I was. Oh no to many in the business. So I got out of Canada and went to England. Then I had my own artist store and created smaller items on line and now my online made me a pretty penny. So what do I do next I bury the blue chip stocks in a car and leave it on the beach for a homeless man to find. Then he trys to use it gets arrested. And tells them about a women me leaving them on the beach. They don't believe him and he do time. But they give him a movie deal about my
stash. An I laughed when I go see this shit in the theater. An then I am like they think they know me but they don't. So I live out my days and write the book. And when I pass I give it to a friend to publish and my final wish is granted. But my ghosts haunts those
who never thought I was much. And
they read the book and I come out the pages and get the ones who never knew I was super human. Now I am energy
and flowing through my character once you turn a page. So watch out I may not get you yet. But can a ghost get you from beyond maybe. I am weird energy
flowing now who should I jump into
next hmmm.The End Or Is it.

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