

The woman he claimed to love
Once upon a time when I was growing up with my family at emahlathini near the river then u mama became pregnant of her second child mbalenhle things drastically changed at home because ma was now pregnant on the other side dad is not working this became a hard trauma to mom therefore it lead her to start thinking of getting a job in order to assist her husband and household where she can ha'ke mom left to Johannesburg then u baba a hlala emakhaya taking care of his livestock (yet he knew nothing about profiting from the wealthy under his watch) there comes a time when mom called dad sharing the excitement of getting a job as a domestic worker (reckoned she was so excited now that she'll be able to assist where she can) little did she know that her husband is not really pleased now that he thought she was too incompetent to do anything however he wanted her to be at home taking care of him,his household but he didn't make it known to ma that he's not happy he just went around telling people u kuthi u mama ak'hloniphi from there he started cheating on mom with several ladies telling them "he's no longer married to u mama which then means he's a free man to everyone umushado wakhe Kade wa phela ngoba Lo mfazi ng'mshadile u jole nenye Indoda then later became pregnant of another man's child while staying my house" this made everyone to feel sorry for baba lapha u mama u Sebenza kanzima u kusiza u baba kodwa aku bonakali konke ku baba haike after few months of mom working she then got a leave at work now that the pregnancy period was due which created a better chance for her to come back at home and finally be with her family until she gets back to work when mom arrived at home people and neighbours started calling her name's gossiping about "umfolokazi eng'hloniphi u muyeni wakhe ng'pha uzithelwe ng'ngani yenye Indoda" that's what they thought of ma now that dad goes around saying things about her but guess what she was ignorant enough to listen to what they're saying of her nothing triggered her to ask the reason why they are speaking so ill of her until one of her friends mama ka nozipho visited her for a get together with her best friend uvele amu buza nge mahemu-hemu she's hearing of ma that
"she left her husband for another man at JHB and the baby she's carrying is not even his now she's back apologising to dad because the man she cheated...