

the Drive
Took a drive today..
When I left it was dusk, the sun not quite visible, but causing the world to have a red tint, my favorite..
Leaves whirling in the street looking like baby twisters.
Hopped on the Thruway had places to go.
Had to keep two hands on the wheel at times to fight the pull of the wind gusting by. The type of wind that makes semis look like toys tossing them around, and into lanes they're not supposed to be in.
Rain began to set in. Felt it before I seen it. Came pelting through the window like bullets on my cheek.
Got off the Thruway and turned west. The sun no longer of the sky. The sky nothing more than a black canvas with crimson slits piercing through it.
Got to where I came to be and turned back.
So dark out now, flick the brights on only to highlight the darkness.

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