

USI Ch#06
Chapter 6
Proposal to One State of Islam.
Section a
One Imam (as Pope in Christianity) for the Whole Ummah.
Section b
One Ideology.
Section – a
ONE IMAM, AS POPE IN CHRISTIANITY, FOR THE WHOLE UMMAH Christianity is older religion than Islam. In Christian world, religion was too much involved in the affairs of government but with the passage of time, religion was separated from the affairs of the governments, i.e almost all of the Christian states have adopted secular form of governments and now almost all the Christian states are functioning as separate secular states, yet all these states are linked through a religious personality which is known as Pope. The personality of Pope is the sign of integration for all Christian states and masses.Islam is a different religion than Christianity. In Islam,. religion cannot be separated from the politics: therefore, re-activating the institution of khilafat would be much helpful to bring forth a personality much stronger in Muslim world than Pope in Christianity. The personality of Caliph would be more influential among the Muslim masses than that of the Pope in Christian world. The re-emergence of Khilafat would bring forth the old memories of this institution and would become responsible for much higher degree of integration among the Muslim states and masses that the integration caused among the Christian world due to the institution of Pope or even the institution of president ship in already existing political union of the Christian states, i.e. United States of America.The already created seat of Amir-ul-Momaneen at Afghanistan by the pro Islamic powers, is needed to be made as an institution. The principles for selection of Amir-ul-Momeen should be taken from Quran, sunnath and the history of Islam. The first and for most principle is drawn from the succeeding to seat of Khilafat by first Caliph. When Ansaar wanted seat of khilafat forAnsaar nominee i.e Hazrat Saad bin Abada(May Allah bless him), but on hearing the Hadith of the Prophet(PBUH) from Hazrat Abu Bakar(May Allah bless him) that Imamath and khilafath is the inheritance of Quraish: the Ansaar abdicated from their choice to be Caliph/ Imam and did baith on the hand of Hazrat Abu Baker (May Allah be pleased with him), the first Caliph. We can see second, third (even shoora for selection of third caliph all its member were Quraish). Fourth Caliph and so on the principle of being Quraish was always considered. Quraish is a big and wide spectrum of choice for now-a-days. Hence getting light from the saying of Hazrat Ali (May Allah bless him) who has proclaimed that you Muslims would be united upon me i.e., my off springs. We (Ahl Baith) are like the pivotal wooden stick around which floor mill( chakki) faces move. As Ahl Baith are Quraish, off springs of Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), the fourth caliph from the daughter of the last prophet, Hazrat Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her), so this as mentioned above would be much more advantageous for Muslim Unity.Choice of Amir-ul-Momineen from Ahl Baith would unite two largest factions of muslims.For Ahl Sunath Ahl Baith Amir-ul-Momineen would act as caliph and for Shia faction as Imam, thus uniting both factions, i.e. Shia and Ahl Sunnath. Hence under this discussion, the institution of khilafath would have Naib Amir-ul-Momineen who would be readily available in the time of need, that is when Amir-ul-Momaneen passes away he would step up to the seat of Amir-ul-Momineen. Choice of Naib Amir-ul-Momineen would be made as per the saying of Hazrat Ali (May Allah Bless Him), the fittest among the Ahl Baith of Afghanistan to succeed to this seat ( Naib Amir-ul-Momineen) he is not necessarily to be son of the Amir-ul-Momineen. The succession to the seat of Naib Amir-ul-Momineen should be done by national shoora of Afghanistan.There are many Ahadith that Imam Mehdi would be from Ahl_Baith origin under his flag the Muslims would unite and get the victory over the pagans. So, if Allah has given us formula for victory that is Imamath of Ahl Baith then why should not we get the light from these Ahadith and make the choice of Amir-ul- Momineen from Ahl Baith.For Amir-ul-Momineen is the most important seat along with racial origin the second principle of good reputation in the muslim world is necessary. The physical fitness along with knowledge and wisdom is also requirement of the choice to the seat of Amir-ul-Momineen. The selection/ election of Amir-ul-Momineen from Ahl Baith origin would act as the biggest tool for wedging unity among the Muslim states around Afghanistan in the beginning and then spreading the unity among all the Muslim in every nook and corner of the world; leading the world to the awaited Green Period.
Section – b
ONE IDEOLOGY In 1947, the Muslims of Sub-Continent were succeeded in bringing forth an Islamic ideological state, i.e. Pakistan. Foundation of Pakistan says that Muslims are from a separate nation among the nations of the Sub-Continent “Pak-o-Hind”, therefore, to preserve their culture, traditions and separate entity from the other nations, the Muslim states and masses of the Sub-Continent demanded and struggled for a separate homeland where they could act according to their own culture and calendar. As the two parts of this new union i.e East and West Pakistan were not geographically contiguous and were laying apart from each other by 1600 Kilometers, therefore, the union was easily broken by the opposite powers of the ideology of Pakistan. This 1600 km distance was responsible for absence of other cohesive forces that common related language, culture and racial affinity. Common religion was only the binding force, therefore, union of East and West Pakistan was divided into two Muslim states, i.e. Bangladesh and Pakistan, by the enemies of ideology of Pakistan. The journey of this ideology of Pakistan, which is main source of cohesion between the masses of Pakistan, because Pakistan is the first United States of Islam on canvas of sub continent “Pak-o-Hind”, has now to be focused on more bigger screen of the world that is Central Asian States and Europe. For making out a political state from ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization), the Pakistan Resolution of Lahore passed in 1940, can be rearranged as, “The union of the Muslim Asian states, which are the members of ECO, join their hands together to form a political union of Muslim states, which would be called as United States of Islam.” The member states of this political union would be knitted with much more cohesive force than that of the previous union of East and West Pakistan, whose two wings were lacking the main factor of cohesion, i.e. geographical proximity. The umbrella of Khilafat would attract the integration of the non-member countries and their masses. The doors of integration with USI would be open to other regional states. Even to the extent of same type of ties of integration could be revived, which king of Ghazna or king of United India had with the institution of Khilafat at Baghdad in the previous days. The choice of the Caliph from the Ahl e Baith would help to act as a source of power of integration for whole Muslim Ummah gradually, thus trying to assemble all the Muslims on one ideology. CONCLUSION The prevailing tendency among the regional states of the world, now-a-days is to form a union of the regional states for economic, military and political assistance among each other. The efforts of regional states of European Community are exemplary to be followed by other regional unions to form bigger political union, such as United States of America. The ECO has all the capabilities to emerge out as United States of Islam. Because, if we see the cohesive factors in uniting the states of USA, these are common religion, geographic proximity of the member states. If comparing USA with ECO, the cohesive forces present in case of the proposed United States of Islam are more stronger in ECO than present in USA. The member states have one common religion, i.e. Islam, the member states are geographically proximate and the races are mostly related to each other, which are residing in the member states of the proposed United States of Islam. The emergence of United States of Islam is beneficial for the people of member states of ECO and to the world at large, therefore, the masses of the member states of ECO have to remove the hindrances themselves in uniting the regional states of ECO to form a political union out of these member states, going over the footsteps of torch bearer of the civilization, that is European Union.The grab of Khilafat, which is in the process of the political evolution, of the war torn Afghanistan, would become green grab of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) for Afghanistan and to the whole world, the sign of the green period. The creation of United States of Islam, the next logical result of the journey of ideology of Pakistan, which will emerge as Super Power in the place of the former forced union of the regional states, i.e. U.S.S.R., on this face of the Earth. The emergence of U.S.I. is destiny of the world, therefore, for world peace it is imperative to world peace loving powers to help out in this natural process with the nature, to bring equilibrium among the nations of the world.
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