

*The Sleepwalkers Dream*
"She felt that she needed a break from everything ordinary in life. She rented a cabin in the woods for the weekend. The weather was sunny and warm every day and not even a single drop of rain at night time. She felt like a new person with new positive energy again before she fell asleep at her last night there at the cabin. She started to dream a bad dream and in the next second she had gone up from the bed sleepwalking around. Without nowing she stood frozen outside looking out from the edge of a cliff. The ghost in the dream were evil and tryed to make her jump and kill her self. What started as a great weekend was about to end badly. It was now raining and was very chilly were she stood with the ghosts voice in her head saying that you are nothing worth and deserve to die. But then as nothing she took a step back from the edge and went back inside the cabin in the woods to peacefully sleep again. She woke up to the last day without remembering what she dreamt of or understanding why her pajamas was all wet and the feet all muddy in the bed". ©writconissa