

The Mystery Man With a Symbolic Tattoo: Part 1
It all started when I was in College. You often visited me in a dream. You appeared with a blurry face. And only your voice I could hear and your astonishing figure I could see. You're a tall man. With a magnificient physique. And you're voice sounded deep, it always give me chills, comfort and security everytime I remember it. Until now...
I remember those time when I woke up from a dream with someone kissing me. Yet, just when I open my eyes, all I see is the vast darkness that sorrounded on that part beside my bed. But still, I feel the warmth of your lips in mine. As if it's not a dream. But suddenly when I'm about to move and face the other side of the bed, I feel your warm breath. Fanning my face. And it's unbelievable, I was not scared. Instead, I sense the familiarity of your presence. And I felt happiness instead of being afraid.

From then on, you never failed to let me know you're always with me. Wherever I go. You were there. You even protected me in every potential danger since I'm a bit reckless and very clumsy most of the time. And there, I'm slowly gettin'used to of your presence even if I cannot see you physically. And how I wish, you are true....

To be continued..

© melai2024

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