

The Rescue
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane. How he knew that, he wasn't sure but the cramped space he lay definitely was a coffin.

He tried to move but his body felt like lead. He could hardly move any part. His vision was out and all he could see was black. He tried to raise his head, but suddenly his chest felt heavy. He tried to move his hands but it was bound to the rest of his body.

He laid back again, wondering how he got into this situation. For all he knew he couldn't remember a thing. The space he was suddenly shook and he felt like he was falling. A few minutes passed before everything settled. Everywhere remained quiet, the only sound he could hear was the racing of his heart.

He heard a latch being opened. Finally someone was going to help him. Whoever arrived though, made no attempt to open the box. Who was he kidding, they were probably the ones who put him there in the first place.

He felt himself being lifted and carried. They must have walked a while before they placed him somewhere. He suspects it was a truck because he suddenly had motion sickness.

Everywhere began to spin. He suddenly felt like the space he was in was getting smaller, the air running out faster and the probability of him dying before they even arrive at their destination, higher.

About an hour passed before movement stopped. Every where was silent again. Suddenly there were gunshots. The car started again and whoever drove it drove without a care in the world. He felt them ride over a huge bump before a loud explosion sounded. Then everywhere became quiet.

Heavy footsteps skidded across to where he was and he was lifted again. He wondered if the people who had him were friends or foe. He heard the opening of the Coffin's latch and when it finally opened, the sunlight blinded him. All he could see were colors and shadows.

"We've got you. Don't worry, we've got you." The voice was soothing as it was comforting. Whoever that was sounded familiar and so he opened his eyes to see who.

"James." He said, shock evident in his scratched voice. That was the last person he expected to see.

His brother.

© Naomi Obasi