

Don Zombie An How It Went Down
We was playing Domino's and the game was great for me at first.Until my buddies put there stick up monies on the game and I had no idea at the time.
Then I won and I was on fire.Then I
head to the car I thought game over I got this then.I hear get his ads and they chase me we fight then one pulls a gun.
I don't know what was going on you do this to me your friend.What you guys done messed with the wrong one.
So he kills the 3 friends and puts money
in the cry. Mad he had to kill anybody.
The other friend I'd yelling at him this was our stick up monies dog now you
wrong. What I am wrong for you guys attacking and turning on me just because I won They was wrong homie
that's why they dead. An oh hear keep
your ads quiet don't turn into a rat.
So I throw half the winnings at his ads
and drive off.Then two blocks away I
see he following me. So I drive faster
and it is on. So what is his deal I should have never gave him no monies to keep
quiet if he still want to kill me. So I stop and I hear him yell. That money
got a spell on it and your dead homies
want to kill you. Then I see the dead guys I shot up running to the side of my car.I yell no what is this I killed
y'all. Then they get the man who killed
them. And meanwhile the other friend
who drove them. Gets in the killers car
as all his friends are zombies now and run for the woods. He got all that bad
monies now and he gets on the free way
and drives. Then he see this stripper he knew on the road with her thumb out.
Baby hay I need a ride it's cold out here.
So he always liked this one and he lets
her in. And in her purse she got a gun.
And she see that green oh well I got in the right car. Baby this a stick up and
nothing personal but I am the high way
stripper killer they been talking about
on the radio plus news. So I got to do
what I got to do. Then she shoots him
and then throws the body out and kicks him back onto the desert rode and then drives the car away from that scene. Then none of the friends are left
alive to tell on each other and that area has 4 zombies on the lose. And that lady high way killer got there lute.
And the blood in the seat as she drives
infected her now when she get to Vegas
she drives into the casino and everybody runs because she herself is
a zombie hungry for flesh. And the homeless man on the street see her run away from her car and he creep s up get the cash no blood on that. And he walks down the street rich now because
that domino money and stick up monies got took by a dude who had it
hard and now life has turned the table s
on the others for him. So he get a motel cleans up. And then he gets a plane ticket back him. And he buys a corner store and is now a success. But he also
wrote a book he sells about how you can turn your life around and how he
robberies the highway killer stripper
who went off on Vegas. As he was taking all that lute in now he better
For it with that it changed his whole
outlook on how he can now have a
very regular life. Which will bring him
more money s. And no trouble s until
The store got robbed.Then he was like
I will turn into a killer now. Then he
got guns and the streets talked about who did it and where they be.
And sure enough. He found them
and killed them. or he thought because
the dead man got back up and touch and tried to eat him. It was a zombie
who knew he would not make it. But
this bad zombie out brake spread across
county. Now they got that very man
who did good with that dough and changed his life around only to be
taken out by a zombie.
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