

A lost friend, but not forever!
As I write these words, my heart is somehow broken, A distant friend but a friend however, recently wrote on her timeline on Facebook, that she was to quit writing, because she had lost her motivation in writing and she couldn't write anymore, that cut deep in my heart, as she was and still the most promising young writer I have ever met.

I told her, replying to her post, that our connection to writing is great than any of us could ever comprehend, that I didn't believe that her motivation was lost forever, that she may/will find it again as she did once.

I met her on a poetry page, someone posted a poetry prompt and wanted people to respond with their pieces, but I was there to read the responses, so I went through them, there were good writers there with different styles and techniques, but when I came across hers, it was like the first I'd seen and read on that long list, but I had lost count in the way, it had three stanzas, so I hit a reply button and wrote the fourth, she replied with the fifth stanza, the poem ended up with seven stanzas, two from me and five from her but the way words fit into each other, like a puzzle that was awaiting to be put together was amazing. Before I knew it, we were friends on Facebook.

We continued writing together, liking and sharing critics on each other's works, when I posted a piece she would be the first to read, like and comment. I didn't know her personally, all I knew about her was her pen name "Paige" and that she was a good writer, and only to find recently that she was no longer writing, and she was deleting her writer profile on Facebook, I tried to talk her out of it but it did not work.

I did not know her personally, so it was kind of hard for me to understand what she must have been going through, but deep in my heart I wish her well, in every path she chooses onwards, I will miss her, because her writing profile was the only way we interacted with each other. This may sound insane and foolish, I mean she is from Philippines and I am from South Africa, yeah right, that's very far, and everything I knew about her was what she wrote on her profile, that's for a friendship right? but I am gonna miss her, and I have hope, that something so amazing and beautiful can't be lost forever, that I will hear from her again, and it will be as much beautiful and her words were before.

© Lundi Ncuthu