

Digimon Sun and Moon Prolog.
Hey I'm Geo I lived in a world called Digital World, That's right I dont lived in a place that is not called Earth and there's more People like me who lived in the Digital World. Humans and Digimons lived in harmony some made communitys and jobs and made a City called the DigitalCity, well the Digital City is in the the sky hovering the entire Digital World. Digital World is peaceful but some worlds are not always peaceful , The Digital World have bad people trying to harm the Digital World, so it up too the Digital Tamers Police to stop this bad guys amd that's what I want to be a D.T.P a.k.a Digital Tamer Police, with help of my bestfriends Kimi her partner Penquinmon and Sia and he's Flora,and me and my partner Coronamon.

Coming Soon!!!😃 .