

Vampires Chapter 2
Ok ok you didn't have to yell at me. Said Skylar. I don't know why you think theres vampires here. Said Felicia. Well... Nevermind bring your weapons and guns we are going to kill the vampires. Explained Elsie. Ok fine. Said Felicia rolling her eyes. I have a gun. Said Julietta. I don't have any weapons.... Said Skylar sadly. It's ok. Said Elsie. We will protect you. Thank you Elsie.... Said Skylar almost happy. Cut the chit chat already let's go now. Julietta commanded. Yea yea whatever. Said Elsie. Let's just go already. Skylar scoffed. OMG! Said Elsie yelling. THERES A LOT OF THEM. What are we going to do now? Asked Skylar. Want do you think? What should they do? Leave it in the comments!