

The Slime (Comic 2)
Nearly a week had gone by since that night, he remembered it was terrifying and somehow interesting how he had gotten those powers.
He remembered that when he got home and went to his wife she hugged him and kissed him.

"What's wrong honey? And why are you wearing that jump suit?" Janice, his wife asked.

"Well I made a little detour and got lost for a minute, stumbled into a factory and well somehow set my clothes on fire and they burned off, I just didn't think walking around naked was proper" He chuckled.

She looked at him suspiciously and started to laugh "Well you are right about that hun. Supper is on the table, hope you're hungry for some nice spaghetti, after I got off work I realized that it sounded good for dinner, so I went to the store picked up what we needed and made supper, figured after that house fire you'd be hungry" She looked at him as they sat down for food.

He told her all about the house fire and how they were not able to save the people inside. He decided not to tell her what their kids did in retaliation for not saving them. Or how they ended up....
He was holding his glass of water when he squeezed it too hard from fright and shattered the glass, cutting his hand.

He snapped out of memory lane as he realized he was in the shower, getting ready for bed, his wife at the sink brushing her teeth

"So I was thinking about wanting to find a bigger house, maybe the future will get bigger," Janice, his wife, commented.

"Are you thinking in the same town or are you thinking in a different town?"
She looked at him in the shower

"Honey, where do you see our family in about a year?"

"Well hopefully by then I will be thriving at the fire department and as for you, maybe a promotion, you've been wanting one." He said.

"Nothing else...?" She asked

"Well... not really anything else I can see." He said

"Babe I'm pregnant" she said, making the whole bathroom go quiet...

He had nearly forgotten about the night he got home.

© James Bowser