

Love Triangle

The sound of the 6'oclock alarm came out of Clementine's pillow disrupting her beauty sleep of sweet dreams.She slowly opened her eyes and pulled up the comfortable duvet to her neck.She had a very good sleep in clean sheets,on a bed soft as chicken feathers.She jumped from her bed and showered quickly then fastly went to the main house.She started with cleaning the kitchen first then went through the menu of the day,omelets,hash brown potatoes,fruits and english muffins that was what she had to prepare to breakfast.She turned on the kitchen,with the smell of what she was cooking dragging everyone out of their beds to rush for breakfast then she went to set the table,very neat and classy then eveybody started to show up to the breakfast table.She walked down the little corridor turned left to the huge arch entering the room where the breakfast table was set and found Kylie already seated ready to dig in his plate.Clementine's footsteps stole his concentration for a moment as he lifted up his head to see who was coming to his direction.He looked at her as if a person on a serious visual introspection as she got closer and closer to the table."Good morning"said Clementine in a very sweet tone.
"Good morning Clemy,I hope you had a peaceful night"said Kylie.
"Oh yes I did,I hope yours was good too"exclaimed Clementine.
Kylie giggled first and gave her a smile,his eyes were saying a lot of things at once.You could easly tell that he liked this young lady and he was trying to get her easy spots to show her that he was really interested in her.

While their chit chat was still on,Shirley and Jason her husband entered the room.Clementine left and let the family to have their first meal of the day,she went to start with the chores of the day.

Fewer hours later,it was already mid-day,the blazing sun was already at the centre of the sky blowing down the hot air to the earth.Kylie walked to the balcony and found Clementine cleaning the floor.
"Ah there you are,I've already went up and down the whole house looking for you.I'm sorry to disturb but I really need you to help me to get something to eat"he said.
"It's okay...I...I was already done,what do you think I should make for you?"asked Clementine politely.
"Focaccia sandwich please"said Kylie as he turned and walked back to the house and Clementine picking up the detergents and followed him.
"You look so tense,are okay?maybe you should get a glass of a cold whiskey to calm your nerves"said Clementine.
"One of those difficult and bad days at work"Kylie answered.
They walked past the bar area and Clementine entered to pour a glass of whiskey for Kylie then followed him to the kitchen to prepare the sandwich that he asked for.It was a bit weird and uncomfortable,the way the room was so quite while the both of them were inside it and Kylie sitting there behind her made everything to be worse than it already felt like.Clementine found it very difficult to move around because she was so scared of the young man that was behind her,not knowing whether he was watching her or what.

"Those ingredients are not enough for two people"said Kylie.
"Oh are you expecting a friends?"asked Clementine.
"I mean for you and me"Kylie said.
"No...I'm still full from the cereal that I ate in the morning"answered Clementine.
"You must be kidding me,A cereal?...look it will cause no harm to have a sandwich with me plus we are total strangers maybe we can sit down and get to know each other.There is nothing wrong with that"claimed Kylie.
"I'm not sure if we really have to do that...besides I have a lot of work to do,so sorry"said Clementine.
"Listen to you,acting like somebody busy.I picked up your chores check list and I know you are only left with iron and packing away clothes,that is a little to do before preparing dinner"said Kylie.
"Fine,I'll eat with you"said Clementine.

She felt like what she was about to do was wrong,it just didn't feel right but again she didn't want to sound rude to her young boss being so generous to her it's just that she didn't want all of that to lead them to do wrong thing in a place at the wrong time.She really never wanted to mess up with her little work and the respect that she had already received from Mr and Mrs Jablonski.The sandwiches that she was preparing were now ready for the ingestion process,she led the way to the balcony where they were going to eat.They sat down silenty,it was so funny odd between them because they were both scared of each other.They sat for scant minutes listening to the the melodies of the birds that were on top of the big fern trees that were also making mind refreshing sounds as they were being blowed by the air.

"So Clementine,can I please get to know you,our helper,I heared mom saying you come all the way from Vryburg. You still look young so I'm wondering how did you get here"asked Kylie.
That was not what Clementine really wanted to talk about.Her story was so difficult for her to tell other people but she thought of ways how to brush off the question.
"Yes I do come from Vryburg,I'm 24 and I got myself this job to help me save money to work on other things I'd really like to have in future.I have a family as well that also relies on a portion of my salary"said Clementine.

Kylie felt that some way some how Clementine didn't want to go deep into details so he changed the subject and they began clicking so well,realising that they had a lot of things in common,their aspirations,music and other things that formed part of their daily lives and as they sat,they both began to realise the warm personalities of each other.It was so fun,you would think that they have known each other from long ago.They laughed and relaxed themselves after stuffing their tummies with flavoursome sandwiches.

Clementine began to realise how much time had flew,she had unfinished chores and dinner to prepare on time.She thanked Kylie for the hospitality and went inside the house to continue with her work.Kylie just sat alone,wishing that she had all the time with her but now that he had realised how much of a chilled person Clementine was,he knew how to shoot his shots.


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