

Earth Day is celebrated around the world
* April 22 *

* Earth Day * Earth Day *

Earth Day is celebrated around the world to raise awareness for the conservation of the Earth's environment. The day is observed in the United States on April 22, while the United Nations observes the first day on March 20, i.e., the day the sun reaches one of the two points directly in front of the Earth's equator.

On April 22, US Senator Gaillard Nelson announced his intention to teach environmental protection. Earth Day was first organized in 1970. The first Earth Day was observed in the United States, but the organization, founded by Dennis Hayes, the national coordinator of the event, In 1990, Earth Day was celebrated internationally in 141 countries.

The day is currently celebrated in 175 countries in coordination with the Earth Day Network. In 2009, the United Nations declared April 22 as International Earth Day and in some countries "Earth Day" and "Vasundhara Day" in India.
Now let's get into the details of why it is called "Vasundhara Day" in India.

* Earth Day *

‘Earth Day’ means ‘Earth Day’ .. How enlightening is the name! This is the day of the earth on which the living creatures have descended! Why celebrate this day?

We celebrate two types of festivals to underline the relationship between nature-environment and human. The first type is the day that underlines the existence of an animal, plant, or bird;

The second type is the day that explains the need to raise awareness about a specific environmental issue. But 'Vasundhara Day' is a different one; Because it is a breaker in both the above types. This day is celebrated to create awareness about gratitude for the earth and its conservation.

It started in 1970 in the United States. The first Vasudhara Day was celebrated by over 20 lakh people. People in the city collectively called attention to policy makers on environmental damage. This action shaped the urban environmentalist movement.

This rate soon forced the government to enact some necessary laws in terms of environmental conservation in the United States. Environmental protection was also set up. From the 1990's onwards, this day is celebrated annually around the world.

In 2016, on the same day that more than 120 countries came together, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change was signed. Internationally, the day is operated by the Earth Day Network. This year, the slogan given by this organization to celebrate Earth Day is 'Climate Action'!

We have been seeing the effects of climate change for the last few years. We are also experiencing its direct and indirect effects. The solution to this is to protect and conserve nature! What can we do with that in view of today's 50th Earth Day?

Currently, due to the lockout in the Corona crisis, there are limits to collective action in celebrating today's Earth Day. But the free time is an opportunity to think about the earth and nature. You may be experiencing pollution reduction and its effects during this time!

While experiencing it, everyone should try to find a solution by understanding the effects of climate change. Moderate use of natural resources, use of public transport, tree planting can be taken in the coming days.

At the same time, it is important to stop using plastic bags and avoid stopping dangerous activities like spitting and throwing garbage on the road.

All in all, the feeling that every day is Earth Day should be kept in mind!

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