

fate and fortune love
a long time ago there was a family with six children, three boys two boys with four girls.This family was called by the name Hiwa, among these six children I will concentrate on three children their names Chifundo(vale last born), chikumbutso(male second but last), and Chitsazo(first born male). Hiwa's family was and is rich up to this moment .it enabled to teach all children up to universities and they had degrees in different courses. The family had a private school which is popular in our country Malawi and it is still making a lot of money for it product a high quality education the school is called KINGS FOUNDATION SCHOOL, is based in capital city of Malawi Lilongwe and on a district known as Ntcheu.

Now it was a time that all children have learned enough and everybody has degree ,they are old enough that they can marry ,Chikumbutso and Chitsazo had a friend who was a Clinician but with a diploma (I guess he couldn't go far with his education because of school fees) known as Collings ,He was interested to have Chifundo Last born of Hiwa's family ,his friends Chifundo's brothers encourage him to tell how he feels about her and Chifundo never hestate but going and pour out all his feeling on Chifundo ,but unfortunately Chifundo was not interested on him and she turn down his proposal.Collings never backslide he insist for several times to be accepted but Chifundo never changed her decision when her brothers were involved including her mum she said " I have degree and he is holding only diploma, how are we going to live? No! I will go for son one who has degree as I am".As time went by Chifundo found a man who holds a degree as she wish,His name was Wellington, the guy was handsome and rich but one thing which made them different was that they were from different dominations Chifundo was an adventist with believes that eating poke ,drinking and worship on Sunday is conciderd sin in the eyes of God and Wellington was an Anglican who goes to church so that his funeral shall be honored.in their relationship Wellington agreed to leave his Church and follow Chifundo and become an Adventist .

Time came Chifundo introduced Wellington to her family and wellingtone did the same,wedding sermony was prepared and the tow got married.
on the other did Collings mate Tamala (who was not working) and oganised Wedding sermony and the tow also got married .

After one month in marriage Chifundo started complaining on behavior of her husband Wellington who was drinking and always come late when she asks she was beaten .She was in this situation for three years until one day Wellington took his belongings and leave the house to another house for himself far,this moment Chifundo was at work (for both were health workers) and when she get back home she found some staffs in the boys were not there especially things bought by him (which were rabled by his name ).Chifundo clied for she was left with two kids a boy and a girl.

Collings and Tamala were living happy, Collings gave Tamala some cash to start business ,She was going in South Africa to take some foods and come back to Malawi to sale thame and the business was productive,she used to go and get back until one day she went and never came back.Collings tried to reach her on phone but she was never found on line (whatsp,Facebook on tweeter etc).Collings never stop searching for he had to know what happened with his beloved wife ,he found a phone number of his wife's friend who was doing the same business and this time was also in South Africa,Collings was shocked when he was told that his wife is married to the richest man in SA.
he was nearly killed himself fortunately his family comforts and his friends Chikumbutso and Chitsazo never stop coming to him for comfort until he was fine, by the Collings had two a children a girl and a boy very young children he had to find another wife to look after them.

Chikumbutso and Chitsazo thought of helping him to find a wife who can help Collings to raise the children he was left with, they rememberd that in three years ago Collings wanted to marry Chifundo so they drove to Chifundo their Sister and ask if she can accept Collings as her husband ,because both were in the same situation they were connected to have a chart and the two a greed to marry ,wedding was done and the two have the happy family ,they had four children all raised nicely .
Chifundo clied for herself not to accept Collings at the first time for Collings was also an Adventist as she was.

true story....
I was told when I was adviced by my Grany when my girl left me for a rich guy and I was confused she told me late it go she was never meant for you"

thank you grany