

Pierced by the blue.
I walked along the beach.

I've become accustomed to it's inviting vista where I am. The shades of it's openness in tangents of blues—light to bone–deep violet. I trail across the sand, bare-foot like a bairn and taking in the reviving salt amidst the sea-air. The sun dizzying in it's proximity at me, as if it is near the skin of my cheeks. Urging me to close my eyes and let it wander the secrets I hid underneath thick winter sweaters and months of apathy.

I sat by the rocks, the waves are calm today. I'd like to think they knew of my timely visit. Like a host, awaiting a friendly visitor. I sighed, woven so deeply from underneath my lungs to my belly. I let it reverberate inside my veins. A tear fell, almost unknowingly. And the wind hushed it like a finger.

'You did good, love.'

I welcomed a laugh in such a thought, to think such a celestial entity or natural occurrence could bless such words into my midst. But it only resonated all the more, as I let my chrome skin fell in front of this beautiful sunrise. The weariness dissipating, you can hear it crackling against the flame. Igniting warmth I've longed forgotten, searching cityscapes and kinder hands to hold. Pierced by the blue and it's promise of newness, splendidly kissing the marks of sullied memories of lonesomeness and hardened walls of indifference.

I admire the sunsets, but sunrises like this one, pulls your membrane into such a wonder. You are still, quiet and demure in it's capture. In awe of life and what lies ahead, once again.