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Greg Herman walked up to Dan with window cleaner and some paper towels. Greg was at the end of his rope with life. He was missing most of his teeth. His hair was long and matted. Greg's beard was grey witha bragable lenghth. He entered a 12 step program in his early twenties. To give back, he opened a halfway house. One dark,dreary, November night; his life changed for the worst. He had just finished a head count when a knock came at his door. It was an admitted child molester informing people that he had moved into the neighborhood. Somthing had snapped in Greg, completely. He punched the man so hard his feet ended up behind his head. His left show fleq off. Greg kicked the man in the head and ribs. People started coming out of thier homes to witness the beating. Greg slammed tge molester head first in a concrete wall. Grabbing the back of his shirt colour and belt buckle; flung him into a dumpster head first. What Greg didnt see was a large sharp piece of metal just behind the dumpster. The chomo baley able to stand was pushed backwards once again by the furry of a man with horrible memeories from his child hood. The child molester landed back first on to the pike, and it came out through his chest. He bled out quick as his blood sprayed in several dieections. Bits of his internal organs pertruded on the pike as if he was a worm on a hook poorly bated. Greg called the police and reported what he had done. He sat on his porch and waited to be aressted. He was sent to San Quentin. He didicated hos time there to helpinv alcholics and addicts recover from the disease. He served a full twenty year sentence.

He bounced around from one shit job to the next. No one really gave him a chance because of his record. He broke at almost 30 yrs sober. He walked to the local bar and had his first drink in three decades. He walked out on the smoking porch and noticed unusual traffic. A black man stood a t the corner of an alley with a pocket stuffed with money. Greg watched for almost an hour. Hearung the codes for what they purchaed from the young man. A light bulb went on his head. He had found a new way to make money.

Greg started using out of his own supply. His life went out of control. He found himself almost homeless. He made an abandoned warehouse his home and took up pan haneling. Meeting Dan changed his life. Dan's heart broke the moment he saw Greg. He bought Greg some food and some scratch off tickets, then gave him his number. Greg won $1000.00 on his first ticket. And a$1000.00 on the second one.

It was perfect timing when he called and Dan was asleep. I picked up his phone and it was Greg. After hearing his story and walubg Dan up, we decided to hire him. We would rent him a vehicle to get him on his feet.
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