

The Narrow miss
It was a normal day for me, driving along my usual route to work. I was familiar with the bends and turns of the road, so I felt comfortable taking my eyes off of it for a few seconds to check my phone for messages. Little did I know, that brief distraction would be the difference between life and death.

I had only just taken my eyes off of the road when I heard a loud, shrill honk coming from behind me. Instinctively, I looked up and saw an oncoming bus bearing down on me. My heart started racing as I quickly turned the wheel to the right, narrowly avoiding a collision with the bus.

The bus driver honked again in appreciation, and I waved in acknowledgement before driving away. In that moment, I realised just how close I had come to a fatal accident, and how lucky I was to have avoided it.

Since then, I have realized the value of paying attention while driving. We are so used to multi-tasking while driving that we fail to realize how dangerous it is. The dangers can be even greater if you’re driving on unfamiliar roads or during night time. So, if you’re ever tempted to take your eyes off of the road for more than a few seconds, don’t. Your life could depend on it.

I also want to stress the importance of road safety rules and laws. The speed limits and traffic rules are not just there for show, but rather they exist to help ensure your safety on the roads. Obeying these laws can help save your life and those of your fellow drivers, so please be mindful of them at all times.

It’s not just about following the law either; it’s also important to be mindful and aware of your surroundings when driving. Pay attention to what other drivers are doing around you and keep an eye out for any potential hazards ahead. Taking a few extra seconds to scan your environment can make all the difference between avoiding and being involved in an accident.

Finally, always make sure that you’re feeling fit and alert when driving. If you feel drowsy or unwell, don’t take any chances; pull over until you feel better or ask someone else to drive instead. Don’t risk your own safety or that of other drivers by getting behind the wheel when you’re not in the best state of mind.

The near miss I experienced recently was a stark reminder of how fragile life is and how easily accidents can happen if we’re not careful on the roads. So please stay safe out there and remember—always pay attention while driving!

The sound of grinding metal against metal cut through the air as the car swerved around the sharp bend. The car was going too fast, far too quickly for the winding curves that lined the road. The driver had failed to take notice of the speed limit and had put himself, and everyone else on the road in danger.

But then a miracle occurred. A bus, coming from the opposite direction, had been traveling along the road at just the same time. In a twist of fate, the car narrowly avoided hitting it head-on. There was a split second of silence, in which the bus driver and passengers looked on in horror as they anticipated what was to come. But then, it all passed in a blur and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This close call was yet another reminder of how fragile life is and how important it is to drive with caution. We often get so caught up in our lives that we forget that a few wrong moves can sometimes have devastating consequences. This incident serves as a reminder to slow down, be mindful of our surroundings, and always drive with caution.

It’s easy to get carried away in the moment, especially when you’re behind the wheel of a car. We have access to so much power when we drive, and it can be tempting to push our limits and see how far we can go. But this incident shows us that sometimes pushing our limits can have serious consequences, ones that no one wants to face.

It’s important to be aware of our own mortality while we’re on the road. We never know when an unexpected turn of events will take place right before our eyes and put us in danger. As drivers, it’s our responsibility to always be vigilant and make sure that we’re driving safely at all times.

This close call should remind us all that life is precious and that we should never take it for granted. We should cherish every moment we have and make sure that we’re doing everything we can to keep ourselves and others safe on the road. So let’s all take a moment and be grateful for this narrow miss and make sure that we keep ourselves safe by always driving with caution.

© Tarranum #writco challenge#writco app#short story#