

The pre-marraige checklist.
The first good question to ask yourself is, can you see yourself with them for the rest of your life? If something were to happen to this person, would you stay with them and care for them? There is a list of things “vows” in the bible that is usually gone over during a wedding ceremony, asking if you agree and are willing to do certain things. Like, love each other through sickness and in health. For better or worse. For richer or poorer. Pledging to be faithful until death does you part. If you take some time and really think about the statement, it is a tall order. Your telling this person you promise to them before God that you will be faithful until death. That you will love them if they are sick and on their death bed and you have to spend years as their caretaker. For better or worse. What if they go through some unexpected life curves that cause addiction. You promised for better or worse. You are to have their back through that and stick it out with them. With that being said, put yourself on the other end of those situations and him being there for you. Really if it is done as it is intended, it is a beautiful thing. I think those who have the purest intentions at heart suffer the least because they were willing to do the suffering. Instead of just jumping into an “I do,” they knew the value and meaning of what it was they were committing to. Marriage means something to them. It is sacred and meant to be forever. Not to jump ship when things get a little rough. So keep all of that in mind. Know that it is a partnership, not ownership. That communication is the foundation of everything you build. That arguments are an opportunity to learn about one another and experience different ways of doing things. It is how you grow together. Having a person, you can count on everything that loves and accepts you no matter what is a beautiful thing and should be cherished daily. After you have given that some thought, you both should discuss a few things to make sure you on the same page with things would be.

Your job and career goals.
Your religious views or how you feel about faith.
Do you want children, how many?
Your financial situation and each other's spending habits.
Your partner's relationship with their family. The importance of them.
Is your partner willing to put you before his family?
Your life goals.
Living arrangements, location, cost, etc.
Political views.
Once you both have shared your views on those topics and have an idea of the other’s stance on each subject and no red flags, make either of you question the other. Then remember the other basic things that make any relationship work. Love is a decision you make to be committed to another person. It would be best if you had patience and forgiveness. Remember that none of us are perfect. We are just human beings. It is good to have humility. Always be faithfully, and do not be tempted by sexual desire towards others. It would be best if you did not even put yourself in the position for the opportunity to arise. It would be best if you had lots of time together, sometimes apart. Figuring out how to separate the two healthily is important. You both are your own people and need to respect that also. Trust and honesty are necessary. Once it is broken, it isn't easy to repair. Being selfless is the number one ingredient to a successful marriage. If you are his priority and he is yours. You both always the other first. You will find you both are taken care of and feel special to the other. Good Luck. Most of these things come naturally when you're in love and with the right person.