

Your eyes lied me-Part 1

"A red dress,endless smile and winsome appearance caught his eyes"

He held her hands, grapped her close to his heart, hugged her tightly and kissed on her forehead. Love in the air occupied with romantic songs dancing and chilling.
He smiled at her and said," i love you, do you love me?"
Her happiness was to the heights! The man was her crush who proposed her.She was out of her own space.

"Its, 8am and brida,her sister was waking her up"
Jessica what's the time?"wake up and get ready for school".
Alas! "it was her dream".

Jessica was so pleased with the dream she had.
Thinking all for a while she realised,she was getting late for school,she was so in hurry and got dressed hurriedly.
She went out for school.
Jessica was so curious and excited to tell her dreams to her friends.
She had two bestfriends "Ruby and Liza".

Liza and jessica were in same section and Ruby was in another section.
The boy she had in her dreams was her crush in school.
"Jones",who was in same section with Ruby.
Jessica after reaching school, she told Ruby and Liza all about her fantasy dreams and full of happiness was reaching out her faces with enormous glow.

Jessica had a grouped friends and in which jones was a part of it.
The group comprised all section friends.
"Jessica had a crush on jones".
She was so in love with him but jones was unaware about this. Olny Liza and Ruby knew all about this in the group.

One fine day, all were just chilling in the class and jones just talked about a group trip with the group.
Everyone was super excited to go for a trip.They agreed to jones and planned for the trip.
Ruby,Liza and jessica was also joining the trip.
The next day they went on a trip with all the essential items with them."It was a one day trip".
While everyone was so busy clicking photos, eating and enjoying the environment,
At glance everyone got to see" jones and jessica chilling together in a trip".
"Everyone mocked and teased at them".
"Jones and jessica seemed blushing and so shy looking at eachother".
Everything was super fun and chilling a far while it was time to go back again.

"Everyone returned back from the trip".
The next day while going to school, jessica told to Liza and Ruby that she feels jones too likes her.
In a trip they seem to have a good conversations and through which jessica felt that he feels the same as her.
So,jessica was very curious to know about his feelings.
Even from then all friends used to tease them.
Liza and jones had a very good friendship and she was the only one who can help jessica by asking jones.

Liza decided to ask jones about "what he really feels about jessica"
So,she went to jones place and asked but,
Jones clearly said to Liza that he don't have any feelings for her. She has just mistaken about my soft converstaions in a trip,"he said".
Liza feels jones is lying,so she asked him again and again.
But jones was so sticked to his words.

Fine! jessica says,the next day when Liza told everything about the jones and his feelings.
"From then she erased her minds for jones"
She decided to take him just as a good friend
As she just don't want to force someone to love her.

Though jessica was broken ,she stayed strong.
Soon everything was so set with all the fun and enjoyment with all friends.
A pleasing environment was hitting all of their friendships.

"Days passed by, and a new twist hitted jessica again"
"Adam proposed her"
Adam was a very good friend of jones.
It was a shocked moment for jessica as well her friends.
Adam knew everything about her and jones.
"Why he did so knowing all those?"
But jessica totally rejected her proposal and said,"she needs a bit more space for herself and she is not so ready to be in relationship with anyone.

Hearing all those words from jessica, adam just went on full anger. Adam was not accepting jessica's words .He was so stubborn on his words.He said he will never leave her and love her more than anything.Jessica was so much irritated by his stubbornness.

At while,in school he was always around jessica though jessica was ignoring him.Adam was so following her everytime.
More a times Adam seemed hurting himself after realizing jessica is ignoring him.
Adam was hurting himself for the past more days.
Adam was a very good student as well as a very helpful and good person and jessica for a bit thought he started ruining himself and blamed herself for his actions.
Adam started bunking classes,stopped attending classes and was hurting himself all day long.
Jessica was not feeling good seeing all those and was blaming herself for all the actions he was doing.
Liza and Ruby was also so shocked and surprised by his act. No one was expecting adam to be so stubborn.
Jessica was like a dead horse and it wasn't a child's play for her to handle all of this.

Jessica had just crossed a tragic path a few days back and now she is next to the extreme level than she had before.
The next day, jessica with the help of Liza and ruby decided to talk with Adam because she felt its damn much and so serious matter to be solved soon.
Well ! jessica,Liza and Ruby went to Adam's place.
Adam seemed playing games in his room when they reached there.

"where have you been guys?" Adam asked,with his loud voice and so nervous and shocked face.
Just been to your house,replied Jessica.
Jessica went into his room and the room occupied both of them.
While Liza and Ruby just waited her outside.

After an hour,Jessica walked out from the room.
Liza and Ruby was totally unknown what happened!
After leaving from there, jessica narrated the converstaions they had.
Jessica was so sick by his stupidity and she spoke very harshly with him...she yelled,cried and begged not to follow her from now and not to hurt himself.
As Adam and jessica was a good friend,so she didn't want to end their friendship for all these things..so, she begged just to not end their friendship.

Still Adam started to ask help from Liza and Ruby.
He too irritated them.....At a point, Jessica felt so enough and was so much fed up as now he has been involving Liza and Ruby into this matter. Jessica didn't want her friends to be in trouble because of her .So jessica decided to accept his proposal as no other way hitted her.

The next day in school, jessica accepted his proposal and was ready to be in a relationship.
Adam was bit shocked by her sudden change...
He was happy to be no doubt.
So Jessica and Adam was on a relationship from then.Everyone in their group got shocked by this news especially jones.

Jones by hearing this seemed so upset and something inside was burning and hurting him. "Is that just a sign of jealously?"
But he stopped getting involved in things where Adam and jessica was around. Slowly he got distance from all his friends.
"As everything seemed so akward infront of jessica and adam" for him.

"Its a bit natural to get jealous for the person who once loved us"Right?

Days and months passed by but Adam and jessica didn't have that bond and Adam was so sad indeed. He felt she accepted just for his sake.
Adam talked about this to jessica.Adam was so into his feelings and said" its been 2 months why you have been reacting so akward and giving so sick feelings?"
"You are not happy jessica?"
"What things are hitting you?"
Adam asked vigorously!

At some point jessica felt so low and confused.
At first she was totally fedup by his behaviour but now she seemed a little bit weak for him.
"she would see a true love in his eyes"

Jessica didn't utter a single word.
Adam cried saying "i love you honey!why you are not getting?".
She didn't hate him for his love and care,She was just into the tragedy she had and it wasn't a quick thing for her to forget it so fast.
Afterall she just wanted a space for herself.
Jessica was feeling so guilt when he cried. She just hugged him saying nothing.
She dipped herself with deep feelings with him.She was not stopping to love him from now.
Her heart occupied a lot extra feelings for him.
She was so truely touched by his effort and actions.
That was her best feelings ever.
At that point her eyes was not controlling the tears to stop. It was clear to see the tears full of happiness.

From then Jessica promised herself not to hurt Adam nowhere any obstacles hits them.
Adam loved her so much. No matter what happens Adam was always by her side.
Everywhere,Anytime both were together smiling along...
Adam used to take jessica for a date eloping so as her sister brida couldn't catch them.
Jessica was so damn happy to be with him.
Their memories spread everywhere from school compound to canteen and everysingle corner.

wow!" So pleasant and felicity moment"

The session was soon to be ending and this year was the last year of their school life.
As well Adam and Jessica was going to celebrate together jessica's first birthday as well as their 1 year anniversary which held the next day after jessica's birthday.
Adam was super excited and prepared himself to surprise jessica.
The day arrived,Adam was with gifts.
Jessica celebrated her birthday in her house with all her friends and they enjoyed a lot.

The next day was so special for Adam and jessica
"Literally their first Anniversary"
Both were so happy that day.
Adam had planned something special not big though small and sweet.
As jessica's sister Brida was strict for her as boards were soon,so they didn't get chance to go out and celebrate
But Adam came near her house just gave her gifts and wished her.
Jessica just said brida that she will go to shop and went to meet Adam.
Adam had already there with gifts and cakes.
Jessica was so happy seeing him and just hugged him.
"Everytime when Jessica used to meet him she would see a clear love and true care in his eyes".
"His eyes was her greatest strength to hold".
Jessica's happiness was out of the horizon.
Though it wasn't the great and wellprepared but so special for both.
Just 5 min they were together but that 5 min was so special than their hours of meet.
After meeting both went to their own paths.
The gifts Adam had bought to her she can't take in her house coz brida would see.
So,she just hid those gifts in a place where no one could find and planned to take afterwards when brida is out for her work.

Boards were soon so both were in their own houses and preparing.
So their meet was impossible for certain days,only phone calls and messages were their connection but not always.
Days went on so easy like blinking an eye.
Days passed by and finally after months all the friends met with eachother.
Probably their first exam .Everyone was excited and side by so nervous and worried for the exams.

Everything was fine and after months their exams ended and all were busy for admission for the college.
So sad Adam failed but all other passed and qualified for next step.
Adam was so upset and was not knowing what to do.
Jessica was also so worried about Adam but she never made him weak infront of others and any situations.

She convienced him,adviced him and explained him the positive causes and never to lose hope in anything.
Adam felt a bit strong and the ability raised of doing something.
Jessica never felt him low .she indeed helped him in whatever caused may be without caring for herself.

Soon everyone applied and they joined for college and jessica also joined.
Adam was in the same town as of jessica but he was busy with his own works while jessica was with her college and studies.
They used to meet in their free times and chill.
They never losed an inch of their love even though they were so far from eachother.
As jessica used to stay in hostel and their time limit was so less to meet everytime.

They used to manage the times and used to spend time with eachother.
By the time Adam's mother knew everything about their relationships.
One day Adam thought of meeting Jessica with his mom.
Adam calls jessica and tells about the plans he made.
Jessica was happy and nervous too.
The next day they met and Adam's mother was happy to see jessica and had bought a beautiful dress for her.

After their meet both were happy and days was passing by with all the love.
Both used to support eachother in every circumstances. Everything was going so smoothly and clearly and soon to realise that its been three years they have been into relationships.
At some point their many things was disturbing them,they started to have poor communications and yes both were so busy that they couldn't realized that they were being creating distance between them.

Lots of complications hitted their relationships,arguments on and lots of misunderstandings and especially doubting eachother for so long and that even made so worst.
But still they tried to makeout,solved and again the same thing one other the another day.
In between they tried to managed to solve and promised not to fight and misunderstand again but it did happen again and again but still managed to be together..
For some weeks it would be okay and then again the arguments.
Indeed both were fed up of their acts and arguments.

As they were far from eachother they couldn't make to meet and talk.
Few months back suddenly due to some reason Adam had to leave for his sister's house and from then more and more complications occured.
Jessica would be thinking about that all the time and she felt so sad but her hostel friends would cherish her for some a bit.

To be known Adam was avoiding jessica.he would always say distance doesn't matter even the calls its just the trust which matters.
Yes!"indeed jessica agreed to him but its not like no conversations at all"
"why would people be so ruthless?"
Everytime their arguments and arguments.
what had happen to that point to Adam that he reacted such an akward that made jessica so surprised by his sudden change .

She tried to ask him and talk about it but Adam would always lie and just convert the conversations.
Times out and out,thing went even more complicated.
Jessica was not able to control her emotions,her thoughts ,herself.Everything was at a peak.Nothing was okay!
As adam stopped calling Jessica.
Jessica tried calling Adam but he wasn't picking.
Still jessica tried to call Adam's mom but she would say she is totally unknown about that things.
Adam had been to his sister's house for more than a months and was so busy with the works out there.

Jessica inspite of being in hostel,she tried every measures to meet him and talk as it wasn't acceptable.
One day Adam called jessica and she was surprised by his call.
When she picked he said he is coming to meet her.
Ohh! all of a sudden?
Jessica was surprised but still she said okay coz she wanted to know the things.
Adam was coming and at that point jessica got to see Adam's another profile in intagram where there was a photo of Adam and a girl.

Ohhh!!! really what's going on? Jessica was so shocked to see.She was not knowing what's happening.
And Adam was coming ..
After a while Adam reached the place Jessica h