

ME Chapter 2

Wake up you lazy girl, my customers need to be attended to. You have three minutes to come out!.' Oh great!!, my morning alarm just woke me up..more like a banshee. Having no choice, I scrambled out of bed did my morning routine and rushed upstairs to at least stomach a cookie or two only to bump into a bucket of water and scrubbing brush.'Scrub until your palms are sore, your stupid father took my money to his grave. Pray, you don't do same, else your little siblings will be paying for it.' And there goes another morning without breakfast. This has been my life for the past three months now, With no place to call home. I have to suffer to pay a depth my selfish father could not payback before he died. Sometimes I wish I could just kill myself just like he did but what would become of my little siblings. As for her, Mrs.Adams-I'm just tired.

I know you are wondering who I am. Well, I'm Tanya Loren Blakes, seventeen with two siblings. I lost my dad three months ago and I don't know anything about my mom. I guess that makes me an orphan. I'm currently living in the basement of Bertha's night club as a waitress. Actually, Bertha was an acquaintance of my dad who used to visit us frequently and would sometimes even sleepover but stopped coming for some reason, before he died. She was the only person my dad associated with so she took custody of us when he died. But for some reason she now hates him. As if it's not enough, dad owes her a lot of money and even signed a contract with her. long story short I have to work for her to pay off the loans and take care of my siblings as well. She low key tolerates my siblings so she was kind enough to take them to a boarding house...although the eight-year-olds didn't want to, we had no choice. Meanwhile, I attend some cheap online classes because it is convenient and I need my education.

'Hurry up girl, we don't have all day. Tonight we have special guests at the club so wear your uniform like every normal worker here and no funny games, I mean it'. Bertha says sternly and lives. You know my life is not all that boring sad. I usually take time off at night to go stargazing by a lake across the street and If I'm not, I spend my time deliberately spilling drinks on rich customers and tripping slutty waitresses - good times. But I guess no stargazing tonight.

© rosesEli