

Welcomed by the Demons [part 3]
The gate they passed in was no more there, instead it was a tall strong fence, surrounded with long sharp thorns, and grey smoke was coming out of the depth of the fence, the structure of the fence itself frighten us.

"this is dead!" I shouted with my face swollen up with tears, thinking is this how I will end up my life,

I was till thinking about that when I saw a reflection of a grown up man walking before me, I don't count it serious, because I'm sure that it was the grey moon that reflect the shadow of either Jackie or Leo. but looking more at the shadow I realised that the shadow has a curve horn in his head, I looked back and only saw Leo very bothered about what just happened, I looked back at the shadow and till find it with horn in his head,

l shift back away from the shadow and I suddenly felt a soft touch on my shoulder, I screamed out for help and latter realise that it was Jackie.

"you scare me, Jackie" I said
"this is enough to scare you" said Jackie pointing the map at me.
I looked at the map and saw that the diagram has changed, the map now shows the way from the fence to a place in the Land named Bloody House.
"where did you get this map?" I asked
"it is the same map that lead up to this land" replied Jackie very confused.
"BLOODY HOUSE?" I shouted very scared.
"That must be where Lynda is" said Leo sadly.
I sat down on the floor hopelessly, thinking how to start the deadly journey to the bloody house, imagine calling a place a bloody house, it must be a place where death stays, not quite long, I felt a touch on my shoulder going down to my nipple and I feel relaxed.
"you don't need this right now, Jackie" I said as I lay my head on his cheat
"what are you taking about?" Jackie asked beside me, I was shocked when I realized that it was not Jackie robbing my chest while Leo was somewhere away from me.
I was freeze as I looked back at the icy hand so rough with the nails as long as my finger.
I jumped up away from it chest and turned back to look at the creature I relaxed on, but couldn't find it again.
"what's wrong?" Jackie and Leo asked me in a suspicious way, I'm sure they don't see the creature and they will thought I'm running mad as I'm dramatising roughly and scared.

"Let move out of here, guys" I said as I'm going into the land with fast speed, Jackie and Leo also followed me and started the journey to the BLOODY HOUSE ..........................

To be continued in next part.

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