

motivation for students😚😚😚😚
Never tell yourself that you failed. Don't say that You've come a long way you're not giving up not now not ever you are going to stand tall and face every tests that comes your way 🥺🤟You gonna cancel those negative thoughts and focus on positivity you are going to feed your brain with positivity. Don't say I failed say I've passed 💯 Nothing is easy life is not strawberries and cream there is always highs and lows, ups and downs what matters the most is how you fight to reach the top. Come on now change that negativity into positivity it is not the end of the world you still have time to push push and push harder to reach to the top🥺 I also didn't take myself serious last term I failed I cried and this term I told myself I ain't a failure I will fight for my success 💯🥺 life is a lesson sometimes we fail sometimes we succeed it's life and when we fail we mustn't throw in the towel no!! We fight for what we want till we reach to the top.God did not teach us to give up he taught us to fight the good fight of the holy spirit✝️🛐🥺Put everything in Gods hands and he will find solutions to your problems 🥺Never loose hope or faith in yourself fight to reach your dreams 🥺 everyone of us has that specific goal we set for ourselves giving up, demotivating ourselves, cursing ourselves won't help us reach that goal instead of saying I'm going to fail say I'm going to pass, instead of saying this is horrible and hard say even if it's hard I will write this test and Ace it. 🥺Exams are just made to test your knowledge never ever give up bosses don't quit!🥺Are you a boss? Of course you are so don't quit stop letting yourself down, stop being negative start walking with pride and confidence start feeding your brain with positivity! 🥺 You are the boss of your life so you know what you want now go fight for it make yourself and parents proud and as for your enemies show that what you're made of🤗 if you feel you want to talk comment below I'm here to motivate you to make you feel confident in yourself not to let you down 🥺

xoxo❤🥰 Amo the emotional writer