

love in the time of covid19
"Happy Anniversary, honey!" I hugged her and she smiled.

One thing I like about the quarantine was that I can spend a lot of time with my wife.
She's so beautiful. Her flawless skin, rosy cheeks, pointed nose, and tantalizing eyes were just amazing. She had a slim body that I would want to hold every day. I could stare at her for hours.

I remember the time when I had a silly crush on her when she first moved into the neighbourhood.
She would always sit by her window as I look at her smile at me.
I could tell she was also into me.
She was sitting in the backseat of her mother's car when I caught her staring at me while I checked my mailbox. It was empty, as usual.
But thank God, I went out that morning because if I had not, I would not have met Stella. She's the perfect girl for me. But there is something odd about her family.
Every day as I look at her by her window, she would stare at the sky blankly.

She doesn’t seem happy; she seems sad and hurt. How I wish I could make her happy.

One day, as I looked at her through the window, I noticed a cut down her arm, I figured she was in trouble.
So, I made my decision to get her out there.

The next day, I saw her with her little sister in the garden playing. I slowly walked towards them, introduced myself, and played with her little sister.
Her sister poured a cup of tea for me. We talked until there was no more tea left so she stood up to get more.
I took the opportunity to ask Stella.
"Are you okay? I saw your arm. What are they doing to you?" I had so many questions that I realized I would look like a creep to her.

She just stared at me. Probably examining my weary and concerned face. Was she afraid of opening up?

"What are you doing? What did you just say?" Her mother went out and sternly stared at me.
‘"Nothing," was all I could say.
“Stay away from my family.”
Her mother grabbed her back to the house and I was left all alone in the garden. Something was going on. I had to find out.

I had to do something.


It was already evening when I heard crying across the street. Was she being abused?
I grabbed whatever I could find in my kitchen and went straight to their home.
She was crouching on the floor, while her family was on the couch turning their backs on me.
I tiptoed to get closer. It was a bloody sight.
Stella had another cut on her arm. Everything was blurry and all I remember was dragging Stella out of that dump.
"Come on, I will help you." I grabbed her hand and we walked straight to my house leaving her family.
Now, she's the love of my life and we are happy. Although she might be still traumatized by what happened, I can see that she's grateful.
Amidst the pandemic, we are full of love. And we are celebrating our 1st anniversary in quarantine. I made her breakfast in bed, eggs, and waffles.
“Are you okay?” I asked. Ever since she left that house, she was still and quiet.
She would just stare at the wall for hours. I am worried.
“Please take a bite—” There was a knock at the door. I stood up and answered it.
A tall, young man was at the door. He was wearing a face mask and a police badge around his neck and he was holding a bag of canned goods.
“Good morning sir, this is for you. Are you living alone?”
“Thank you and no, I have my wife staying here.”
“Oh, okay. Sir, do you know who lives across your street?”
Is this about Stella’s family?
“No sir. I mostly stay indoors, especially these days. Why? Is there a problem?” Another young man interrupted, “There has been an incident in the neighbourhood, would you mind if we talk to you and your wife?”
“I’ll see what I can do, my wife is not feeling well.”
“More reason to keep an eye on you, sir. Especially in times like this.” Stella was not sick because of the virus.
“You know what? Fine. I will call her—STELLA! HONEY! Come over here!” No response.
“I will get her. Come in, officers.” I motioned for them to come in before getting Stella.
She was still quiet; I hope she does not do or say anything stupid.
As we made our way to the living room, the police officers were pointing a gun at me.
“Sir, you are under arrest for the murder of three people.” One of them cuffed me and Stella was just staring at me.
Could it be? Did she snitch on me? And made it look like I did this?
Didn’t she love me?

“It was her! I helped her escape because I love her!” I screamed.

“Sir, calm down. She’s just a doll.”

© abcdee