

Am I Evil?
She screamed and I could hear her pain from the other side of the large stone walls.
"Stop!" She cried out in pain, "I will not lay with you!"
I wanted more than I had ever wanted anything in all my existence to save her. Many may say that is simply not in my nature, some might say I am evil and shouldn't care. Hearing that innocent woman scream and feeling what I felt because of it, I knew that I am not evil at all.
"Adam no, stop-" Her screams were cut off.
I knew I had to do something to stop her pain before something terrible happened. I summoned all my force to shapeshift into a snake and I slithered my way under the wall undetected by the angelic guard. I could hear her soft cries in the distance and I slithered onward as fast as I could.
That's when I found her naked curled up in a ball under the forbidden fruit tree crying softly. I slithed up by her head and gently curled my serpentine body around her neck as a comfort.
"Hello my dear." I whispered into her ear and she jumped upward scooting back against the tree.
"Who is there?" She asked in a panic.
"Shh, it's alright it's just me the little black snake at your feet. I am a friend I am here to help you." I explained slithering up her leg and around her shoulders.
"I am sorry snake," she breathed patting my scaly head, "It is not your fault for my state." She said to my surprise trying to comfort me.
"What troubles you?" I asked.
"It's this guy, I was told that I was created to be his wife but I don't want to be his wife. I tell him I do not want to be his wife and he just gets angry and he is much stronger than myself." Her eyes began to water again.
"Why stay if you are unhappy?" I asked confused as she stroked my long scaly body that lay around her shoulders once more.
"If I do not comply to his wishes then I will be thrown from my home in the garden." She explained and I felt something within myself I had never felt before.
I had never thought anyone would understand me, but hearing her words I could relate. I now knew my purpose for sneaking into the garden, I had to help her.
"I too was once thrown from my home for disobeying orders. I know how your feeling all too well, my dear."
"What did you do after being thrown out?" She asked inquisitive of my story.
"I learned, I learned that sometimes it takes one great fall to rise back up better than before." I explained wisely.
"What if he harms me for trying to leave?" She asked frightened.
"Sometimes you have to take risks for the betterment of oneself. Just stand strong and walk out those gates, I'll be right here with you." I answered.
"But I don't even know what is beyond the gate." She said.
"That's the risk you need to take to escape your prison." I encouraged.
"Stay with me beyond the gate?" She asked with a shaky voice.
I felt my stomach drop and my whole being tingled. I couldn't explain this feeling but it felt good.
"Of course I'll be with you as long as you need me." I answered.
She smiled softly snuggling her head against me as she rose from below the tree with me wrapped around her shoulders and waist. I could feel her inner strength as she marched up to the gate springing them open and taking one step out.
"Where do you think you are going?" a man's voice said from behind us.
She turned quickly still on the other side of the gate. I wrapped myself a little tighter as if to say I'm still here, be strong.
"I am leaving, Adam." she said firmly.
"Why would you go we have everything we need right here?" He asked.
"All this so called paradise, it comes at a price I am not willing to pay," she answered her power and strength rising, "I would rather die outside these gates then spend another moment in these prison walls. You will NEVER see me again, this I swear it." she said slamming closed the gates.
"Pleease, Lilith don't go I can't bear to see you hurt out there." he cried hanging on the other side of the gate.
"Maybe you should have thought of that before causing me all the harm you have inside the gates." She answered before walking away.
"Once you leave you can never return." he screamed as she walked off into the dark forest surrounding the garden.
She walked on further and further into the forest with me wrapped around her. Until finally she came to a rock and took a seat.
"Thank you." she said as I slithered off of her and to the ground. "Thank you for giving me the strength to finally leave."
"I only gave you words to inspire you, the strength was in you all along." I answered, "However I must be honest with you, I am not what I appear to be."
"What do you mean?" she asked confused.
"I am not the snake you see, I am a monster." I explained feeling shame for myself for the first time.
"No you are not." she said running her hand along my back.
"I don't know what this is that's happening to me, all I know is I want to keep you safe. In order to do that I need to show you the truth, please do not be afraid." I said before slithering off into the bushes.
"Wait, don't go!" she yelled after me.
I slithered off hearing her running about the woods searching. I hid in a large bush and shifted back into the monster my family had made me. I looked into a small puddle to gaze upon my hideous face, to my surprise I was actually afraid. Afraid of how she may react to my true form.
"Over here," I called out sitting below a tree with my face buried in my knees. "I'm over here." I said quieter feeling discouraged I was sure she'd run.
I could hear her feet as she ran up and I buried my face deeper in my knees.
"Why are you hiding?" she asked confused as she stood before me.
"I don't want to lose you." I answered muffled by my knees.
"Why would you lose me?" she answered still confused.
"My face may frighten you." I explained.
"I guess that's just a risk you are going to have to take." she answered optimistically, "Here take my hand." she said stretching her hand out to me.
I slowly lifted my head to reveal my human goat hybrid form. Though despite what I expected she did not shudder or flinch, she just smiled sweetly.
I reached my hand out and grasped hers with my long furry fingers. I felt an electricity shoot through me as we touched and I rose to my feet towering above her.
"I don't see a monster at all." she said as she placed her hand on my hairy chest. "Your as beautiful in here as you are on the outside."
I was speechless as she wrapped her arms around me accepting all that I am. I felt that tingle in my body again as a light began to shine out of my skin. I felt my form shift and when I looked back in that puddle I was shocked by what I was faced with.
I was myself again, the most beautiful in all creation. She looked upon me in shock as she slowly approached me.
"Who are you?" she asked mystified.
"I am the fallen," I said as big black wings burst out my back, "I am, Luifer."