

Hey guys, this is a short story about sacrifice, and love. Hope you enjoy!!

Melanie never loved me the way I loved her. We were best friends to her, nothing more. To me, we were so close to being a couple. We just needed a little push. Our mutual friends always say, "Jax and Melanie would be such a great couple!". Mel always laughs, and hugs me. It's a joke to her. Now I'm here, inches from my death, and I realize all of this. I'm giving my life up for a girl who will never know how I feel. A girl, whom isn't even here, that will always haunt me. I'll die, she'll live, and neither of us will ever know. She has a chance to find her true love. I don't. I'm dying for her.

Ive never been a fan of being confined. So naturally, that's how I go. Chained to this wooden chair in place of Melanie. The chair moving underneath me on a moving floor. Up ahead, something to slice just the lower half of my body off. Then a smasher that will smash me into a pulp. Only after I suffer of course. Mel... I love you... Never forget that... The slicer slices through my legs at my knees. Blood pours, but I don't have the strength to scream. All I can think is, it's not Melanie.

I'm losing blood. My legs are under me, detached from my body. The smasher arrives, and does it's job. Pain leaves and I feel a rush of contentment. I'm safe in death, but Melanie is safe in life, thanks to me.

I love you Melanie. I always will.

© Ladybugz