

Again a day full of inner noise, all the possession to just leave the way things are......... questioning soul, quite speech and what else a messy person needs 😔

still in search of the day when I'll be "ME" again..... those cozy morning , those warm sunsets..........a mind evolving by itself

I have spend a long time with those known whome others called as family, but what actually that means and how it turns to burden....doesn't make the sense.

Everybody respect , care and love to their known .....but what if a caretaker doesn't do its work, when the juvenile starts commenting their loved ones who at a time were the reason bcz they growing, bcz they surviving, bcz they are still what they actually we're.

It hurts when you aren't praised for what u deserce , when the most expected person start taunting u for those words which u haven't even meant and never been said...... just for a reason to make your self see at a level of judgement where others pray u as a god.

these days of pandemic makes me see a lot , handle a lot, bear a lot........what if I keep reminding those things even if illt not be here, what will happen if all those memories turn my thoughts into a revenge which I never wish off...
m scared of such family, and such me
thank you
@ my scary night
© ankii Singh