

Burnt KINGDOM is nothing like Burnt KINGDOMS
My family, friends, town and everyone I grew up with was screaming for help. Fire... Most feared death but the most feared death feared by all was being burned to death. I ran and ran but I felt my vision go blurry and my legs go weak and next thing I knew... Black. Everything was Black. I woke up in some kind of place. I was in someones house. I guess someone saved me but not the others. I swore revenge for the person who caused it. Weird thing is I was not any regular room but to a very fancy room. I felt like royalty so I got out of bed and decieded to walk around. When I left the room I realized then that I was in the enemies palace. Wondering how I got here, my thoughts were disturbed by a voice and not just any persons voice but HIS voice. "Where you going, sweetheart?" "Shouldn't you be doing royalty duties by now PrInCe MiKe" I rolled my eyes after the nickname 'sweetheart'. That prince is called Prince Mike. He is my enemy. It looked like he had taken off gloves and that he got burnt. He had no business in my kingdom, right? Unless... I check the time. The burn look like it happened a couple hours ago. It happened at the same time my kingdom was set to turn to dust. "You set my land on fire... Didn't you?" Prince Mike looked away since he couldn't look me in the eyes. My face filled with droplets of rain falling down. My heart feeling like it was tramped on, scrunched up, ripped, cut and blowen away for good. It hurt my throat that all I could croak was "You killed something precious in my life" I then walked off. I found a book were I saw my parents pictures were with Prince Mike's parents. There was something odd about the photos they were all in old kingdoms which burned down ages ago. The thing was about those kingdoms was that the king and queen was the same over and over again. The last 2 pictures was when Prince Mike was born but then they took a photo of the kingdom without my parents. It then clicked. The people who set those old kingdoms on fire... was my parents... and now this kindom took revenge. I now knew that the same thing happened to my kingdom meaning that Prince Mike's parents were the old king and queen of those burnt kindoms and now they took my kingdom down. My tears stop but cry again but not for my parents but Prince Mike and his family. Those lost souls were because of my family. I now learnt why Prince Mike set my kindom on fire.
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