

Just want to be happy ❤️
I’ve been single for awhile now, was messing with my baby daddy for a little bit then yeah it wasn’t working so I became single again. Here I am today still single as I can be just living life & dealing with the everyday struggles of life. I don’t need anyone to be happy but it’s something that I wish I had. I see my friends, cousins, and other people with there families and there happy living life and so on and here I am just single & lonely with cats. my daughter tells me I don’t need anyone that I have her. Aweee that’s so true but mommy needs someone. I just wanna be happy like everyone else. don’t get me wrong I am happy but not fully happy. the person I really want I cant have and if anyone wants me it’s always the old men with money. money is nice but it’s not everything. I’ve been struggling awhile now and still taking care of my responsibilities but I need some fun in my life I’m tired of being alone having to go through things on my own.it gets difficult, I need some support ya know. I don’t wanna teach my daughter that she needs someone to be happy but she will understand when she gets older. All mommy wants is to be happy!!!!