

High school sweethearts turns to strangers, then guess what's next?

Main Characters
Milan Franco
Gavyn Jonson

Highschool sweethearts turned to strangers, then guess what's next?


Milan enrolled in a university far from her home, and far from him. She lives in the dormitory now.

First day in college

She went inside the classroom, took a random sit and pulled out a pen and paper. Milan started to write her to do list. Then the professor came in and checked the attendance.

Prof.: Student A
Student A: Present!
Prof.: Student ...
Prof.: Milan Franco
Milan: Present!

(sound of a pen broke)

After being called, Milan did not pay attention on the next names, she continued writing her to do list. Then the professor did the talking for 30 minutes. It was only a brief discussion since its the first day.

Milan still don't have any friends in the university after a month. So she's always by herself. She often goes to the library, pretending to read books, but she is playing games on her phone. She loves a quiet place. She'll sat around the most quiet place in the library, and no one disturbs her.

She's been a very lowkey student. She distance herself from anyone. No specific reason. She just don't want to be attached to anyone. Well, that's what she likes to believe.

She didn't even know there are girls who wanted to be her friend and there are guys who wanna pursue her. But she didn't give any attention to them.

One day, while walking to the campus, it suddenly began to rain so she run towards the nearest convenience store. As she picks the last umbrella in the stand, another hand grabs it at the same time. She felt something familiar. Her heart beat spikes. She knew who it was. Those hands, it must be him.

Milan: (didn't dare to look up, instead she bowed and) Sorry, you can have it instead.
(Then walked outside the convenience store, in the shed waiting for the rain to stop.)

She is still nervous. And shivering as the wind blows towards her, and some rain drops onto her.

Suddenly, the guy from before went outside with the umbrella. Opened it up and grabbed Milan's shoulder. She is very sure that its him. She felt a pain in her heart. But she still smile and looked up to guy.

Gavyn: (smiling back to her) Let's go.
Milan: (wondering why is he here) I'm okay here, you can go first.
Gavyn: Come on, the rain doesn't look like it will end soon, you'll be late in class.

Milan looked at Gavyn's uniform logo, and its the same as hers. She suddenly stutters.

Milan: Y.y..you are also a student here?
Gavyn: Can't I be?
Milan: That's not what I mean.. You can go first, I'm really okay here. I'll explain to the professor later.
Gavyn: (smiling) Then I'll stay too, and you can explain for the both of us.

Milan really don't understand. She did not dare ask why Gavin is at the same university as hers. What she wanted at that time is to run away from him because any time, her fake smile will fade and her tears will fall, as heavy as the rain.

Milan: Oh I forgot something at the dorm.
Gavyn: Just get it later.
Milan: No, I really need it now.

Milan still smiled at him and just run in the rain, going back to her dorm. Gavyn was left there standing. His heart is also in pain. He wanted to run after her. But after realizing everything that happened before, he didn't dare to.

Milan called in sick for the day.
As for the next day, she still didn't go to class. She really caught a fever now because of that rain and because she cried so much last night.

Milan didn't know that Gavyn has been worried. He knows that she gets sick after being caught in the rain. And he can't do anything for her now.

While Milan is in her room, there was a knock at the door. As weak as she is, she tried to stand and walk over the door to see who's outside.

Milan: Who is it? Is there anything you need?
Girl Student: We're in the same class, I heard from the professor that you are sick, so I brought you some soup.
(Milan opened the door)
Milan: You don't have to do this, but thank you. (smiles) I'm sorry I have to trouble you with this.
Girl Student: Its okay (smiling). Be sure to eat that so you can feel better. See you in class tomorrow. Bye.
Milan: Bye, thank you (smiling)

Little does she know that its really from Gavyn.


It has been a week since she last saw Gavyn. She wishes not to see him again, even around the campus. She thinks its better to keep distance from everyone.

The next day,

She's up early and went to the nearest restaurant. It has been her favourite place to eat. She often goes there. Little does she know, that Gavyn was always around her. Not the stalker type. That moment Gavyn took up all the courage he has and walked towards Milan's table.

Gavyn: Hi Milan, can I sit here?
Milan: (surprised) Oh I'm done, you can have the table now. (smiling)

Milan immediately stands and tried to rush outside but Gavyn hold her hand.

Gavyn: Don't be like this, you still haven't eaten that much. Just sit there and finish your food. I will not disturb you.
Milan: (at the back of her mind: then you shouldn't have approached me here) (awkward smile)

Milan sits back and finished her food.
Gavyn on the other side also finishes his food.
They both walked outside the restaurant and went to the campus. Gavyn was behind Milan walking. Milan did not dare look back. As she enters the classroom, Gavyn is still at her back. But she don't care. Milan sat on her usual spot, away from everyone, but Gavyn sat beside her.

Milan: What are you doing here? You'll be late on your class.
Gavyn: I am never late (smiling) we are just in time.

Milan still wondering. The other girls and guys are looking back at them. Milan tried to stand so she can go sit at another spot but Gavyn hold her hand.

Gavyn: Just sit here, don't bother finding another seat. And just ignore them.
Milan: (puzzled)

The professor came in and doing the attendance. Once Milan's name is called, she really don't bother about the next ones.

Prof.: Gavyn Johnson
Gavyn: Present! (smiling at Milan)
Milan: (in shocked)

After the whole day.
At the end of the class, Gavyn hugged Milan so tight.

Gavyn: I'm always gonna be present from now on. Don't run away anymore Milan.
Milan: (can't utter any word and all the feeling she keeps inside, burst into tears)

© poppy_m