

leinah story
once upon a time In 1976 Veronica n Wilson were blessed with a baby angel named Leinah.
Her father Wilson use to read stories for her while she was in pre school ,she was so intelligent in school n loved to read with her whole heart each time when she came back to school she would tell her brothers n sister to read together.Iscaac, Zodwa,Nhlulo n Leinah they loved to read each other stories they had a very strong bond n loved to be together as a famlily ,leinah went to a higher school in phangasa where she passed her grades with good marks she then went to a collage to study catering n communication ,she was a also blessed with 4 children named nyiko , wisa, xichavo, junior she now working as a caregiver ,she the best mother she's an in depended woman who hustle for her children
© ntsako sunshine the poet