

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones series) 06
Chapter Six: The Starks, Boltons and Jon Snow

Jon Snow had gathered all the Night's Watch brothers at the mess hall of Castle Black. He had to let them know of his decision. They all deserved it. He had to give up his duty as Lord Commander of Castle Black, hand it over to someone much deserving to lead the men of the Night's Watch. Therefore, he had choosen Eddison Tollet to replace him. All men of Castle Black had agreed. Said, Jon had chose very well. Eddison Tollet was worthy of it.
"And from here on, brothers, my Watch has ended. Though, it was very hard for me to leave but it was my duty to protect my family from those traitors of the North. And I would never abandon them. I owe my life to Winterfell and to the Starks. If not for them, I wouldn't be here. Farewell, brothers." Jon had sadly spoke.

"Be careful on your journey home, Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly. All the blessings of Seven heavens may always be with you both."
Eddison and the others bids farewell to Jon and Sam. The Night's Watch brothers followed them until the Gates of Castle Black.
The two rode for five nightfalls before they have reached Winterfell.
"Welcome home, Jon Snow." Bran smiled at him. It had been so long since he had seen him. And he grew more taller than before. He terribly missed his brothers and sisters.
"Thank you, younger brother."
He hugged Bran and tapped his shoulders.
"Where's Sansa,Arya and Rickon?"
He asked the whereabouts of other three true-borns. They would usually lined up, with a smile on their faces, when someone would arrive at Winterfell. But now, it was only Bran.
"Arya was at King's Landing for sword training with the first sword of Braavos, Syrio Forel.." answered Bran.
Jon silently smiled. Arya had always do what she wanted. She had pursued to become the first sword master of the North. That was why he had forged her a gift and she named it, Needle. A needle-like sword made of Valyrian steel. Arya loved it very much and she always took it with her wherever she goes. He was sure that Arya was safe at King's Landing. because the Starks were the Throne's great ally.
"What about Sansa and Rickon?"
"At Riverrun. They went with Mother and Robb to Riverrun and stayed there after Mother and Robb rode off to House Frey, for they were invited to a wedding feast. I waited for them to come home, Jon. Maester, too, had sent Ravens to Uncle Edmure to tell Sansa and Rickon they must return to Winterfell after what had happened to Robb and Mother." Bran's face looked troubled.
" Lord Stark? Lord Snow?"It was Maester Luwin. The loyal Servant of House Stark and became the surrogate parent of the remaining true-born Starks.
"What was it, Maester Luwin?"
Jon was already aware, it was bad news based on Maester's worried expression.
"A Raven from Riverrun had just arrived. It was your Uncle Edmure who wrote the letter."
He handed to Bran the small paper scroll.
Bran's brows furrowed when he read the contents of the letter.
Said, Sansa had refused to return home for she had feared Ross Bolton's men would ambushed them upon their return to Winterfell.
"That brat, spoiled-girl Sansa." Bran sighed with disbelief.
"Winterfell was safe, Jon, now that you were here." And looked upon Jon Snow.
"It's alright, Bran. She's just protecting our little brother Rickon from any danger that may occur when they would return to Winterfell."
Jon said with assurance in his voice.
But Jon was still worried for them. He must bring them safely back to Winterfell.

One moon had passed, one of his men had  informed him of Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell's Gates.
Before his arrival at their doorsteps, he heard news of him. He had fought his own father, claimed, that Ross Bolton was a traitor of the North. And it was true. North was at peace again because of Ross Bolton's death. Life was back to normal at the North. They heared of no more threats or any uprising from its allies since Ross Bolton's death.
And Ramsay, one of Ross Bolton's bastard, famous of being a wealthy merchant of North, he was known of being pompous and undaunted when he had sold thousands of good servants to every houses of North and Westeros, including Bravos, Tarth, and Dorne. But little did they know of his brutality towards those who opposed him. He was also known as the Master of the hounds. Heresay, if a servant was already useless to him, he fed them to his hounds.
"Lord Jon Snow. A pleasant morning to you."
He greeted him with a subtled smile.
"What do you want, Ramsay?"
He was so sure, that, there was something wrong with this man because he had eventually disliked him.
"G-greetings, Lord Snow." shyly voiced out by a young lady with a foreign beauty beside Ramsay. She looked like a real outsider of the North. Her looks never fit to be in the North.
"What was your business here in Winterfell, Ramsay Snow?" He warily asked.
"I'm selling this young and beautiful lady servant to the infamous bastard of Winterfell, of course, at a very low price." He directly said to him.
Ramsay had slightly pushed the young lady's back to be near with Jon.
She shyly bowed her head.
"I would be a loyal s-servant to House Stark if you would let me, Lord Snow."
Jon had noticed her accent were same of the highborns.
"Were you a Highborn?"
She looked so terrified it made Jon felt cautious and pity for her.
"N-no, my Lord. I was just a mere servant girl. A lowborn my lord. My family lives very far from here. Our place was called the Flea Bottom."
Jon nodded. He was not really satisfied of her answers.
"So,What do you think, Lord Snow? Or, might, perhaps, I would just fed her to the hounds. She would be of no use for me, soon after we came here."
The young lady was more terrified of what Ramsay had said.
She bended her knees in front of Jon.
"Please, Lord Snow. I want to live. Please don't let Master Ramsay fed me to the hounds. Make me your servant. I swear I would be loyal to you and to the Starks. Please.."
She cried in fear.
Jon felt an odd feeling when she heard her plea.
"Alright. How much for the young lady, Ramsay?" Jon was moved by her.
"She's worth seven silver stags, Lord Snow, and she's yours."
Ramsay said with a grin.
If hadn't for the young lady, he had punched Ramsay's face. He really disliked this man and how he treated her. He had felt this sudden urge to beat him.
After the trade was done, Ramsay and his men went on their way. Jon had ordered his men to take the young lady inside the winterfell and to the master of the servants.
"Thank you so much, Lord Snow. I owe you my life." She whispered as she was about to go with his men inside the Winterfell Castle.
Jon Snow just nodded and went on to see Bran.
There's another Raven came from Riverrun. It was from Sansa. She informed them in the letter that she and Rickon were both doing well at Riverrun. She made sure, they were safe and there's no possibility that the Bolton and its allies were to seize the Castle since there was no more threat or uprising. And they believed her.

Moons had passed, A raven from Riverrun had arrived at Winterfell. It brought terrible news. The Riverrun was forcibly took over by the Bolton Army, led by Ramsay himself. As he was legally adopted by his legitimate father and made his surname from Snow to Bolton so he could rule just like his father in the future to come.
Jon was fully aware of what could Ramsay do to his Siblings,so,he hastily rode off to Riverrun with his thousands of men, together with their allied Houses of the North. He blamed himself for believing Sansa's words. And he regretted it. All he could do now was to save them at all cost and returned them to Winterfell, safe and sound.

© melai2020

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