

Love of Kavin...
#loveChapter:9. Kavin asked to ragi with broken voice that"what?lover?did liya have a lover?i can't believe".Ragi said"yeah kavin on that day i saw her with his lover,he looks so good and their pair were awesome".Kavin control his tears ,he downed his head and he can't believe that liya loved someone.Ragi were continuously talking about liya but kavin not listen to anything,he just sit like a statue.Ragi said"kavin do you listening me".Kavin maintain silence.Ragi shake kavin's shoulder.Kavin said "yeah ragi iam hearing".Ragi said"on one day liya called to your phone,do you remember?".Kavin said"yes i remember,".Ragi said "then you gave phone to me right, liya said to me that don't say anyone about her love because her family don't know anything".Kavin think in mind that"for this only liya call me but i imagine that she is like to talk with me".Ragi said"for this reason she call on that day,hey don't say anythink to mom and dad,this is secret ok".Kavin shake his head with silence.Ragi leave his room to do some work.Kavin felled out of tears ,he can't control himself,he start to cry.On that time vicky call to him.He attend.Vicky said "hey my idiot what you doing? how was you love is going?".Kavin controlled his cry and said "its all over vicky ,iam unlucky,liya is not for me.".Vicky asked"hey kavin do you crying? why your voice like that?what happened kavin?".Kavin not able to answer ,he cut his call.He totally broken off.After sometimes he remember that he ask question to liya,he swipe his tears and quickly went to online.Liya replied that "iam committed kavin ,don't say to anyone.".He looked that message and again he started to cry. He control his tears and replied that"It very nice to hear liya,a man who get your love is very lucky,iam happy for you liya.".Then kavin shut his phone and lied on bed,the tears were fell out of eyes,kavin is totally broken.The night was end with full of tears.On next day vicky came to kavin's home and kavin explained everything,he again felled out of tears.Vicky advised to kavin a lot ,he not able to see kavin in this situation.He tried more to convince him but kavin is upset.The days were went off, kavin not able to forget what were happened,he scold by himself that he is foolish.Kavin think that "liya is good girl ,her choice will never become fault,but why this situation came for me?why i want to see her photo? why i want get affection on her?why do i love her so much? but now she is not mine ".There is lot of question in kavin's mind but he cleared in one think that "liya is not for him.".To be continued........#love#shock#Feelings#friend #relationships#hurts